SSAT200Words1 Flashcards
Abolish (verb)
to get rid of (rules, laws, etc.), destry, stop
Absurd (adj)
stupid, silly, foolish
Accumulate (verb)
gather, collect, assemble
Accustom (verb)
make normal, adapt to, get used to
Adapt (verb)
alter, change, adjust
Adequate (adj)
enough, sufficient, pretty good
Adhere (verb)
stick to, cling, attach
Adhesive (adj)
sticky, gooey, gluey
Admire (verb)
respect, think highly of, look up to
Affect (verb)
(different from effect) influence, impact, alter
Aggravate (verb)
annoy, irritate, bother
Alter (verb)
(different from altar) change, modify, make different
Align (verb)
line up, put in order, straighten
Alternate (verb)
rotate, take turns, follow one another
Ambition (noun)
goal, aim, wish
Anguish (noun)
pain, suffering, grief
Apparent (adj)
obvious, clear, plain
Appeal (noun)
request, ask, beg
Approximate (verb)
estimate, calculate, guess the amount
Arise (verb)
appear, emerge, turn up
Assert (verb)
declare, state, proclaim
Assess (verb)
judge, evaluate, estimate
Assist (verb)
help, aid, lend a hand
Astound (verb):
amaze, astonish, surprise
Attest (verb)
show, prove, authenticate
Authority (noun)
power, command, control
Beneficial (adj)
helpful, useful, rewarding
Bountiful (adj)
plentiful, abundant, a generous amount
Channel (verb)
guide, push along, make a groove
Chaos (noun)
disorder, confusion, commotion
Characteristic (noun)
feature, quality, trait
Chronic (adj)
long-standing, constant, persisting
Clarity (noun)
clearness, certainty, obscurity
Commotion (noun)
uproar, confusion, disturbance
Compensate (adj)
pay back, reimburse, recompense
Complement (verb)
(different from compliment) accompany, enhance, add to
Compose (verb)
write, organize, think up
Conceal (verb)
hide, cover, disguise
Concept (noun)
idea, notion, mental picture
Confirm (verb)
agree on, establish as true, affirm
Consent (verb)
agree to, give in, submit to
Contagious (adj)
deadly, spreading, infectious
Contemporary (adj)
happening in the present, modern, up-to-date
Contribute (verb)
give, donate, supply
Counsel (verb)
(different from council) give advice, recommend, warn
Crucial (adj)
important, critical, decisive
Current (adj)
(different from a current) present-day, modern, happening right now
Dank (adj)
damp, chilly, musty
Decline (verb)
decrease, reduce, diminish
Deceit (noun)
deception, fraud, lying