SSAT200Words2 Flashcards
Deciduous (adj)
tree that sheds its leaves annually
Dedicate (verb)
devote time, commit, give to
Deficient (adj)
imperfect, inadequate, not enough
Demolish (verb)
destroy, flatten, ruin
Deprive (verb)
deny, remove, take away
Detrimental (adj)
harmful, damaging, hurtful
Devotion (noun)
loyalty, allegiance, commitment
Dispute (verb)
discuss, debate, argue
Distort (verb)
twist, warp, make crooked
Dismay (noun)
alarm, shock, surprise
Diversity (noun)
variety, range, assortment
Docile (adj)
obedient, submissive, cooperative
Dock (verb)
anchor, land a vehicle, tie up a boat
Donate (verb)
give, bestow, contribute
Drizzle (verb)
rain lightly, drip, shower
Dwindle (verb)
diminish, reduce, decrease
Effect (noun)
(different from affect) result, outcome, impact
Effective (adj)
successful, powerful, producing a result
Elevate (verb)
raise, lift up, upgrade
Elongate (verb)
lengthen, extend, stretch out
Emaciated (adj)
very thin and weak, skeletal, bony
Embark (verb)
begin, start, undertake
Empower (verb)
authorize, allow, entitle
Encompass (verb)
surround, enclose, encircle
Enhance (verb)
increase, add to, intensify
Enlist (verb)
join, enroll in, sign up for
Enrich (verb)
improve, make better, enhance
Enthusiasm (noun)
eagerness, passion, excitement
Entirety (noun)
whole, total, sum
Escalate (verb)
increase rapidly, climb up, soar
Exhaust (verb)
wear out, tire, fatigue
Façade (noun)
appearance, exterior, outside
Falter (verb)
hesitate, delay, stumble
Farce (noun)
joke, mockery, waste of time
Fathom (verb)
understand, comprehend, make sense of
Finalize (verb)
conclude, complete, settle
Flattery (noun)
false praise, compliments
Flicker (verb)
gleam, flash, beam
Fluctuate (verb)
vary, change, alter
Forage (verb)
rummage, search, explore
Forgo (verb)
quit, resist, pass on
Fragment (noun)
piece, chunk, remnant
Frenzy (noun)
excitement, rage, passion
Friction (noun)
grating, scraping, rubbing together
Frigid (adj)
very cold, frozen
Frivolous (adj)
silly, trivial, foolish
Fugitive (noun)
person in hiding, runaway, outlaw
Fundamental (adj)
basic, important, central
Fury (noun)
anger, wrath, rage
Glare (verb)
frown, scowl, stare at