W4 - Smoking Cessation (based on old PowerPoint) Flashcards
How many deaths a year in Scotland does smoking cause? Out of all deaths, what fraction is due to smoking?
10,000 deaths a year
1/5th of deaths
Smoking leads to an average loss of how much life?
7.5 years
What % of males and females smoke in Scotland in 2022?
12% males
11% female
What 6 cancers does smoking relate to?
Upper resp
In the top SIMD quintile, what percent of people smoke? In the bottom SIMD quintile, what percent smoke?
2% highest
22% lowest
Second hand smoke in homes and cars leads to what 6 conditions in kids?
Resp infections
Cot death
Middle ear infection
In what 6 ways can smoking affect a pregnancy?
Low birth weight
Preterm birth
Heart defects
Sudden Infant Death
In 2022, what % of Scottish women smoked while pregnant?
How do vapes work?
Battery power to vaporise solution of nicotine in propylene glycol/polyethylene glycol
Vaping has what % hit of nicotine of a cigarette puff? How many carcinogens does it lack?
25-50% nicotine hit of cig puff
Lacks 69 carcinogens (though may contain ones we don’t know about yet!)
What health benefit is there to quitting after:
- 20 mins
- 8 hours (three things)
- 24 hours (two things)
20 mins: Pulse normal
8 hours: Nicotine reduced 90%, CO reduced 75%, circulation improves
24 hours: CO and nicotine eliminated, lungs clear smoking debris
What health benefit is there to quitting after:
- 48 hours
- 72 hours (three things)
- 2-4 weeks
48h - ability to smell and taste improves
72h - breathing easier, bronchial tube relaxes, energy level increase
2-4w - circulation improves
What health benefit is there to quitting after:
- 1 month (two things)
- 3-9 months
- 1 year
1m - skin loses grey pallor and becomes less wrinkled
3-9m - cough/wheeze reduced
1 year - excess risk of heart attach halves
What health benefit is there to quitting after:
- 10 years
- 15 years
10y - risk of lung cancer falls to half of a continuing smoker
15y - risk of heart attack falls to same as someone who’s never smoked
How much does a pack a day cost per year?
A 10% increase in cigarette price leads to what % reduction in smoking? What society is this conditional on?
4% reduction
This is in a less economically well-off society than the UK
In what 4 ways do population strategies protect children against smoking?
- No tobacco products <18
- No smoke in private vehicle with kids
- No proxy purchase
No vending machines
Name 5 outcomes of the EU Tobacco Product Directive (2016)
- Picture warnings - 65% of surface of pack
- Ban on distinguishable flavours, e.g. menthol
- Minimum pack size 20 cigs
- Limits on tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide
Terms like “mild” and “ultra-smooth” banned