W3 L1 human migration and skin colour Flashcards
Hypotheses of the origins of Homo sapiens
- believed to originated out of africa (but no non-African Homo sapiens fossils until 80,000ya)
-multi regional origin from different population of homo erectus
-out of africa, one population from africa and spread around the world, replacing older species
Stringer origins of Homo: Recent African Origin (RAO) model
Recent African Origin (RAO) model
* modern humans first arose in Africa (approx 100 000 years ago)
* Indigenous premodern populations in other areas of the world were replaced
* little, if any, hybridisation between the groups
Stringer origin: RAO and hybridisation model
allows for hybridisation between the migrating and indigenous pre-modern populations
Stringer origin: assimilation model
- African origin for modern humans.
- no replacement, or population migration
- gene flow, changing selection pressures, and directional morphological change
Multi-regionalism model
- denies recent African origin for modern humans.
- Modern humans arose in Africa, Europe and Asia
- genetic continuity over time and gene flow between populations
Homo sapiens in Africa
-restricted in tropical central africa until 90kya
* Bone tools - (spears/ harpoons) and shell middens appear in caves in South Africa c. 70,000 years ago
Human migration path
80kya start to spread out from central africa
60kya: diversification and second spread of africa lineage. Two new Arabia lineage from L3 africa
-40kya spread into South Asia aus and Eastern Europe
30-20kya: take over Europe and move to North America
After 20kya: spread into all of America
15kya colonization of Northern Europe, Asia , Canada post ice age
2k: pacific island, Madagascar and greenland
Mungo Man
Found at Lake Mungo National Park,1974
* 40,000 years old (possibly older)
* About the earliest Homo sapiens remains found outside Africa and the Middle East
Why did human took so long to leave africa and why did they spread so quickly
1/ climate
2/ critical population size
3/ sudden increase of intelligent
climate reason in-depth
- 80,000 - 70,000 years ago = rapid environmental changes in Africa
- Mount Toba super-volcano (73,000 years ago) may have caused nuclear winter
Critical pop indept
- Human population density too small to spread until 60,000 yr
- Higher population density drove expansion but no evidence for high population denstity
Intelligent reason in-depth
- Sudden and distinctive appearance of advanced culture and technology about 50,000 years ago
- Indication of a neurological mutation, or strong environmental selection
Evidence for intelligent increase (Klein hyphothesis
-appearance of art
* Evidence of ruins, and structures appearing after 50,000 years ago
* Evidence of ceremonies and rituals(elaborate burials)
* Evidence of ability to live in coldenvironment
Problem with Klein hyphothesis
- Many aspects - art, structures, elaborate culture etc. around before 50,000 years
- No particular evidence for a “sudden” appearance
- Likely that a combination of factors
cost of changing habitat and migration
- The first homo species - light skin, lots of hair (look at a chimp)
- About 1.6 mya - bipedalism meanthomo spp travelled long distances but this meant they could overheat
- Hairlessness (and increase in number of sweat glands) evolved as an adaptation to keep cool
- Our skin needed protection against the dangers of UV radiation
Apocrine and sweat gland
Apocrine glands - open into the hair follicle, leading to the surface of the skin.
Eccrine sweat glands - over most of the body and open directly onto the skin’s surface. Assist in thermoregulation.
The evolution of apocrine and eccrine sweat glands Advantage
- Forage in heat of day when the threat of predation is reduced
- Endurance running - running elicits higher sweat rates
Might be Efficient way to cool our brain
Eccrine and apocrine in primate
Species with high eccrine gland glycogen content associated with habitats exhibiting warm temperatures and low rainfall
* Species with increased capillarization were associated with high temperature
Evolution of skin pigmentation
Melanin protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation
But UV radiation needed to produce vitamin D
Vitamin D hyphothesis
-melanocytes in skin need to protect us from UV damage but let enough UV through to have vitamin D synthesis
-different region have different melanin pigment depend on the area
The problem with witamin D hyphothesis
Skin cancer is relatively rare in younger people
The selective pressure for darker skin to evolve would be greater if there was a reproductive benefit
solution to vitamin D hyphothesis problem
Strong sunlight causes photolysis of folate
- protect spermatogenesis in male
-female: vital in offspring production, absecent cause neural tube defect