W3 Flashcards
Agenda setting
mass medias ability to shape public opinions towards topics that are most given attention too
what issues people see as important
e.g. used in politics as it has the ability to influence news and focus attention on topics that are more convenient (parties, etc.)
Agenda building
PROCESS of bringing issues to the front rather than showing how they are portrayed (a. setting)
interaction of groups such as media, editors, interest groups to together make the decision of which topics to bring to the front
Agenda priming
once media brings an issue to the front, it can influence the criteria people use when making a decision
utilized mainly in politics
e.g. if people during elections period are shown by the media economic issues, when voting they are most likely going to focus on economic issues
medias ability of portraying a specific topic in a specific manner with the purpose of shaping the audiences perspectives and interpretations on the topic
highlighting specific parts to make the piece of information more convincing
allow to easily move throughout daily life situations
How framing differs from agenda setting
framing focuses more on HOW info is presented and omitting certain pieces of info
setting -> similar goal
focuses on strategies such as repeated exposure to make a topic seem as more important
socially constructed
based on previous experience
resistant to change
Frame analysis theory
how individuals learn to make sense of their social world
how news events are initially framed by journalists and then framed by new users
Critical cultural framing
elite control over framing
social movements use frames to advance their goals
peoples understanding of the world is shaped by frames learned from media
Post positivist framing
focuses on identifying specific effects of certain types of frames on audiences or readers
they are called generic frames - generally used in stories to fundamentally alter how audiences view events
Effects of frames on news audiences
if the frame comes from an elite in the news, audience is more likely to adapt that frame
news coverage have a strong influence on how consumers make sense of an event
Status quo
current state or condition of things
“maintaining the status quo” -> keeping things as they are
Frames as attribute agendas
when news use specific frames for people or events, we are more likely to associate certain attributes with these people or events
Issue specific frames
frames focusing on specific topics or events
e.g. multicultural frame
Generic frames
frames focusing on general topics or events
e.g. economic consequences frame
Episodic frames
present an issue by offering a specific example, case study or event oriented report
e.g. covering unemployment by presenting a story about an unemployed person