W2L2 - Neural mechanisms of face perception in humans and non-humans Flashcards
Evidence for face neurons from human adaptation
- ) Face Adaptation of Neurons (neurons adapted to see faces)
- ) Bistable perception (See one face then other)
What are the 3 studies of neural mechanism of face-processing in non-human primates
- ) Single Cell
- ) fMRI
- ) Microstimulation
Single Cell Study in face-processing in non-human primates
Neurons show preference for faces in IT
fMRI study in face-processing in non-human primates
“Face Area” in Macaques:
Recorded 400 cells in “face area” (identified by fMRI) and 97% of visually responsive neurons responded to faces.
Apple and clock showed some response (roundness? property of faces?)
Micro-stimulation in face-processing in non-human primates
Stimulated neurons in IT and influence face/flower perception.
Stimulate > Higher likelihood to see faces at all noise
No stimulate > Equal probably to see face/flower
> Stimulation effect greatest for face-selective cells
Human Studies for face-perception and neural. What do they use
- ) MEG
2. ) fMRI
MEG Study for face-perception in humans neural.
MEG (Cross of EEG and fMRI)
Temporal responses for faces consistently higher M170. No significant difference between cars and shoes for experts
fMRI Study for face-perception in humans neural.
FFA responded more:
(1) Intact Face > Two-Tone Face
(2) Faces > Houses
(3) 3/4 Face > Hands
FFA: Holistic; LOC (Lateral Occipital): Changes in Parts
fMRI Study for face-perception in humans neural. What happens to bistable stimuli and FFA
Bistable Stimuli: FFA more active when a face is perceived
What are neural evidence to suggest FFA is related to level of expertise
FFA activation for face, CAR, BIRD experts in FFA
Car expert no FFA for bird object, vice versa
Why are cars,birds,dogs criticized for using as expert for face-perception.
They do not have face-like properties (Similar features arranged in similar configurations; Recognition at subordinate level; Stimuli for which participants are experts)
What happens when greebles become experts in FFA
FFA change and whole part effect demonstrated AS A RESULT of expertise
Comparative fMRI: Human v Macaque
Activate the same areas
Face Perception: 8 Epilepsy Faces Single Units
Single units responded not only to faces, but familiar faces such as Halle Barry
> Not only face information, but identity
Face Perception: fMRI + ECoG
Category-selective response in ventral temporal cortex (VTC)
Using High Frequency Broadband (30-160HZ), strong positive correlation between fMRI and ECoG signal. Tighter for faces than houses