W107- Identify Joint Force Structures, Capabilities, & Operations Flashcards
In ___, the Constitution specified Congress alone would have power to raise armies, declare war and otherwise control the armed forces. (Article ___)
1787, Article I, Section 8
The President is the commander and chief of the armed forces. (Article ___)
Article II, Section 2
The responsibility for providing for the nation’s defense through the armed forces of the US is constitutionally shared by civilian officials in both the ___ and ___ branches of the Federal Government.
legislative, executive
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Who was the Combined Chiefs of Staff between?
US-Britain, WWII
Under the president, the JCS undertook coordination of the ___ and ___ . (formed in ___)
Army and Navy, 1942
What year was Army, Navy and Marines formed?
What year was Coast Guard formed?
What year was Air Force formed?
Congress Passed the ___ of ___ to formally establish organizations of JCS
National Security Act of 1947
The National Security Act created 5 things:
- National Security Council (NSC)- advises president
- National Military Establishment (NME)-
- Service Secretaries
- Unified and Specified Combatant commands
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
War Department started in ___ and ended in ___
1789, 1947
Department of Navy started in
NME started in ___ and created Department of ___ and ___
1947, Army and Airforce
Department of Defense started in
1949 to present
Department of Homeland Security started in
2002 to present
What 4 departments made up the NME?
- DONavy
- DOArmy
- DOAirforce
- DOSecretary
Progression of Departments:
War Department >War Department+DON >JCS+DON+WD >DON,DOA,DOAF,JCS, NME, DOSecretary >DOD >DOD+DHS
Head of DoD, with authority over DON, DOA, DOAF:
Secretary of Defense
President>___>Warfighting commanders
Secretary of Defense
What was Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986?
amendment to NSA of 1947, after Operations Desert One and Urgent Fury, clarified roles of JCS. Proved successful during Operations Just Cause, Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
purpose of ___ is to prevent terrorism, created by ___ of ___
DHS, Homeland Security Act, 2002
The ___ (group) advises the President on the integration of domestic, foreign and military policies as they relate to national security .
National Security Council
4 departments most likely to be involved in national security process are:
- Department of State
- Department of Defense
- Department of HS
- Department of Justice
___ are the broad and enduring purposes for which the services were established by Congress in law
___ are tasks assigned by the President or Sec of Defense
The primary ___ of the Services and Special Operations Command, is to provide forces – each organized, trained, and equipped to perform their specific ___ (organize and train forces for sustained combat)- the forces from the services are employed by the combatant/warfighting commander in the accomplishment of a ___
function, role, mission
The nation’s decisive land warfare force:
Initial response forces. Provide land operations essential to naval operations. proved security in US Embassies worldwide
Marine Corp
The forward presence of the US. Initial response. Strategic deterrence through nuclear capabilities.
Function is to attain and sustain air and space superiority. Search and rescue. Surveillance and reconnaissance. minimum collateral damage.
Air Force
Located within the DHS, force protection of shipping. Has statutory law enforcement authority.
Coast Guard
___ is defined as activities, operations, organizations, etc, in which elements of two or more Military Departments participate.
Combatant command formed from SINGLE Military Department. Functional
Specified command
Combatant command formed from 2 or MORE Military Departments. Functional or geographic.
Unified command
6 Areas of Responsibility (AOR) / Regional commands of the Geographic command:
- US Northern Command- North America
- US European Command
- Southern Command- central and south
- Indo-Pacific Command
- Central Command- Egypt and SW Asia
- Africa Command- except Egypt
4 Functional Commands:
- US Strategic Command- control space, deter attacks
- US Special Operations Command- provides SOF
- US Transportation Command- moves materials and people around the world
- US Cyber Command- defends DoD information networks, etc
All combatant commands, specified and unified, report to the ___
Sec of Defense
All combatant commands, functional and regional/geographic, are made up of ___ commands provided by the services.
Failed evacuation in 1979 Iran that led to stronger, more integrated military and special operations force.
Desert One (Operation Eagle Claw)
General Ulysses S. Grant led this campaign and showed importance of communication and division of labor
Semi-successful mission in Cuba (rescue students) that led to Goldwater-Nichols act of 1986 and improvement of joint doctrine and operations.
Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury)
After Urgent Fury, invasion of Panama led by General Maxwell Thurman to stop President Noriega. Proved success of Goldwater-Nichols act.
Operation Just Cause
Led by General H Norman Schwarzkopf to stop Saddam Hussein pushing into Saudi Arabia. Successful
Operation Desert Storm