w1: Intro Philosophy of Psychology & conceptual analysis Flashcards
what is philosophy of psychology ?
Philosophy of psychology examines the nature of psychological phenomena, their explanations, and the methods used in psychological investigation.
It also critically considers the ethics of psychological knowledge and its application, ensuring that decisions include diverse perspectives rather than ignoring or marginalising certain voices.
Definition: The study of what exists and the nature of reality.
**Key Questions: **What is reality? What kinds of things exist (e.g., minds, objects, or abstract concepts)?
In psychology, ontology determines how we conceptualise phenomena like the mind, identity, or emotions.
**Definition: **The study of knowledge, including its nature, sources, and how we acquire it.
Key Questions: How can we learn about reality? What methods are valid for making meaning?
In psychology, epistemology shapes how researchers believe phenomena can be understood (e.g., through subjective experiences or objective measures).
Theoretical Perspectives
**Definition: **Frameworks that outline relevant concepts and their interrelations.
These perspectives are value-laden, meaning they are influenced by the researcher’s context and beliefs, shaping what is studied and how findings are interpreted.
Definition: Practical strategies for conducting research.
Methodologies reflect ontological and epistemological beliefs, determining how psychological phenomena are measured or observed.
Ontology: what exists in the human world that we can aquire knowledge ab
one reality exists
Naive Realism
Reality can be uderstood using appropriate methods
The belief that reality exists independently of human perception and is straightforwardly knowable.
Structural Realism
reality is described by scientific theory, but its underlying nature remains uncertain.
we can only know the structure of the world, not its deeper nature.
Critcal Realism
Critical realism means understanding the world by looking beyond surface appearances and examining the deeper structures and causes that shape reality.
Critical realism is about recognising that there’s more to reality than what’s immediately observable. It seeks to uncover and critically analyse the underlying systems, structures, and causes that influence events and experiences.
multiple realities exist.
realities exist as multiple intangible mental constructions.
no reality beyond the subject.
Bounded Relativism
recognising that some aspects of reality are constrained by shared experiences or objective elements.
mental constructions of reality are equal in space and time within boundaries.
epistemology: how do we create knowledge
meaning exists within an object- an objective reality exists in an object independent of the subject
The belief that knowledge and reality can be observed and measured without subjective influence.
This view aligns with positivist approaches in psychology, focusing on empirical and measurable evidence.
Definition: Reality exists independently, but meaning is constructed through individual and social interactions.
meaning is created from interplay between the subject and object: subject constructs reality from the object
In psychology, it highlights the relationship between the observer and the observed phenomenon.
meaning exists with the subject: subject imporse meaning on an object
- there is no reality outside of the subject
Definition: Reality is entirely constructed by individual perspectives, emphasising personal experience as the primary source of knowledge.
Epistemology and Research
If you use any kind of assessment of social phenomenon, then you’re requiring some sort of assumptions of how to make meaning of the world.
- The research method is going to reflect how the researcher believes reality is measured, and what reality is.
ie. if you believe that there is no meaning beyond the subject, then you will not give a close-ended, fixed and standardised questionarire, rather an open-ended one.