W1 - Brain structures ✅ Flashcards
Directions in the Nervous System
Anterior/Rostral - front
Posterior/Caudal - back
Superior/Dorsal – Top
Inferior/Ventral – Bottom
Lateral - Toward Side
Medial - Toward Middle
Ipsilateral - Same Side
Contralateral - Opposite Side
Brain slices and planes
- Frontal/transverse - right angle to the neuraxis (y-axis)
- Sagittal - parallel to neuraxis and perpendicular to the ground (z-axis)
- Horizontal - parallel to the ground (x-axis)
What are the main parts in CNS and PNS
CNS: Brain & spinal cord
PNS: Cranial nerves & spinal nerves
Features of the brain?
- Soft, jellylike structure (1400g)
- Large mass of neurons, glia and other supporting cells
- Different areas support different functions
- Accounts for only 2% of body weight
- Encased in a tough bony skull and floating in CSF fluid
What are the layers of the brain membrane (meninges)?
3 layers of meninges:
- Dura Mater: tough
- Arachnoid: middle, sheet of cellophane draped over
- Pia Mater: last layer, adheres to brain surface
–> Between Arachnoid & Pia Mater: subspace fills with CSF - cerebrospinal fluid
What are the ventricular system of the brain?
Ventricles – a set of hollow chambers within the brain filled with CSF
- Lateral Ventricles
- Third Ventricles
- Cerebral Aqueduct
- Fourth Ventricle
What is CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)?
- Similar to blood plasma composition
- Formed by choroid plexus
- Watery cushion protect the brain
- 125-150ml volume & turns over 3-4 times/day
- Actively secreted by the brain (made - circulates - reabsorbed into bloodstream)
What are the 3 main parts of the brain AND their subparts
- Forebrain
- Cerebrum (largest part)
- Diencephalon
- Midbrain
- Superior and inferior colliculi (tectum)
- Substantia nigra (tegmentum)
- Hindbrain
- Cerebellum
- Pons
- Medulla
What makes up the cerebrum (forebrain)?
- Cerebral cortex (outer layer of cerebrum): frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital (FTOP clockwise) -> divided into 2 hemispheres which communicate through corpus callosum.
- has grey matter (neural cell bodies) AND white matter (neural axon and dendrites)
- has gyrus (bumps) AND sulcus (ridges/dips) - Limbic system: limbic cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, fornix, mammillary bodies
- Basal ganglia: caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus
What are the functions of each part of the cerebrum (forebrain)?
- Cerebral cortex: contains primary coritices which are responsible for:
- F: Motor & Somatosensory
- T: somatosensory associated
- O: visual
- T: auditory - Limbic system: learning, memory, and emotion
- Basal ganglia: processing information for motor
What are the functions of each part of the diencephalon?
- Thalamus: main sensory relay for all senses (except smell) and the cortex.
- Hypothalamus: involved in homeostasis
- regulating autonomic NS
- controlling pituitary glands
Structure and function of the midbrain
1. superior colliculi – subcortical sensory pathway involved in fast eye movements (vision)
2. inferior colliculi - part of auditory pathway
Tegmentum: role in motor movement
1. reticular formation
2. red nucleus
3. substantia nigra
What are the parts and their functions in the hind-brain?
- Cerebellum (small brain):
- Motor co-ordination
- Regulate smooth & fine movements - Pons: relay centre
- Medulla: regulate and control basic life functions
What are the primary components and functions of spinal cord (CNS)?
- CNS tissues extend from medulla (brain)
- Communicate with sensory organs and muscles below head
- 2 parts:
1. Dorsal roots: info to brain (afferent)
2. Ventral roots: info from brain (efferent)
What are the components and their functions in PNS?
Bring info to and carry info from CNS with 2 parts:
- Automatic NS:
- Control vegetative function (life processes)
- Regulation of smooth muscles, cardiac muscle and glands
- 2 parts: sympathetic (stress) and parasympathetic (relax post-stress)
- ALWAYS efferent (does not transmit info to CNS) - Somatic NS:
- Cranial nerves: attached to brain & send and receive signals from head, neck and vagus (digestive organs) - 12 pairs
- Spinal nerves: attached to spinal cord - 31 pairs to send and receive signal from the rest of the body