W 1 Honest Signals Flashcards
What is an honest signal?
Is an idea from evolution, when animals are selecting mates they are looking for specific criteria (honest signal)
Peacock feathers
Peacock colored feathers are honest signals, because it helped it mate, why?
Because they were attractive, colored feathers indicates
1 - the peacock is fit and it’s having a good diet.
2 - although the colors are making it an easy target but it still survives.
It didn’t only survive but it thrives.
What’s an honest signal what’s not an honest signal?
If it seems intentional = dishonest
If it seems unintentional = honest
When you say you’re cool etc…
You have an agenda you’re trying to sleep with her, in her mind, and anything you say is filtered through that agenda
When your friend says that bout you, your friend has less agenda it’s treated as more trust worthy
When a girls says the same thing it’s treated even more of an honest indicator
If she find’s out of it accidentally it’s treated completely honest
What’s an honest signal what’s not an honest signal?
Negative/ positive
If it’s positive = dishonest
If it’s negative = honest
Why ?
If you’re presenting your self in a positive light , that can be manufactured
If you fuck up they gonna assume that’s the real you coming out because you didn’t fuck up on purpose
In game you need to “not fuck it up “ instead of “ doing 9 things pretty well and fucking up 1 thing”
That one thing is gonna ruin it all
What is the self is always shining through?
Be your best self
What is fake it till you make it ?
Adopt the best possible behavior even if they’re incongruent with you and then grow into them
Uncanny valley
As something gets more to human your affinity to it increases untill it gets really close to human than it takes a massive dive to be awful
When it gets back to be human like again you get massive affinity
How to identify uncanny valley? And when does it happen?
When something has worked for guys before and it makes complete sense in terms of theory but it didn’t worked for you or it stopped working for you
It happens alot in fake it till you make it
How to deal with the uncanny valley?
When you get that negative reaction don’t do it all over again,
If you have a certain behavior that’s getting you results but all of a sudden stopped
Keep messing with it, and change it a little bit
What are honest signals but not that honest ?
Girls are looking for honest signals that would’ve been honest signals in the environment we evolved, in a small triple environment:
1 - having a good physic
2 - fashion, style
3 - social proof, social group