W 0 -1 Flashcards
why our agendas in terms of evalution and strategy differs?
- Women have to hold their eggs and protect them because they have a limited time to pass their genes
- man can impregnent any women any time
what is the metric of success in terms of sex from a female prespective ?
the general metric of success is to have many grand children
- the women metric of success is to have a healthy children and take a good care of them
what are the two categories of men ?
( lover ) : have a good genes so they have a lot of options, they rarley stick around to help raising the kid because they can impregnent every other women
( provider ) : they are more inclient to stick around and help on raising the kids because they dont have many options
what are the strategies of women ?
- first is to find the best comprimise the best male they could get in terms of genes and they would stay around
- second strategy is to find a guy with great genes to impregnent them and finds a man who would take a good care of the kid
- high statue could be both like the king can impregnent many women becasue he has good genes and he could take a good care of the kids
what are the types of women ? why men put women into two categories ?
- madonna : the innocent angel
- whore
- to keep women faithful
what did madonna whore types create ?
when you encourage women to be a madonna she’s gonna hold sex from you and view you as the provider
lover should encourage the whore
- you encourge her how to act around you
- you encourge her how to view you
take away?
women wants the best possible genes and also wants her child to be taken care of
social aproval is everything for women
congitive dissonance ?
when you have a particular self image of the behaviours you do and you dont
and maybe you have that action that falls outside of that self image
you eaither pretend that this actiont never happened, or you can rationalise a reason to convey why doing that action was ok
quote of rationalising
” how do you write women so well ?
I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability “