Vygotsky Flashcards
Zone of Proximal developmental ZPD- stages
Level of potential development- they could achieve
Zone of proximal development- achieve with help from adult
Level of actual development- able to achieve
The marshmallow task MT
Understanding the ability to wait for another marshmallow, instead of eating the one on the table
Children’s behaviour is controlled
- others statements
- private speech
Jerome Bruner
Moved by Piaget and Vygotsky’s work
Learning is an active process and action is important
Scaffolding theory:
Temporary framework supporting children’s thinking at higher level
- direction motivation: keeping the motivation up
- recruitment: engage interest and encourage child to start
- reduction of degrees of freedom: simplify tasks that are straightforward
Development stages:
Inactive mode: birth to 3 years old: physical manipulation
Iconic mode: 3-8 years old: mental images and respond intuitively
Symbolic mode: 8+ years: increased language capability
Language and thought
Tools for exploring language- represent it
Cognition is a ‘dialect process’
Children communicate with themselves to guid action
Winsler 1997:
Selective attention task- guidance when needed
Children are more likely to use private speech after guidance
Various across cultures- leading to different forms of development
Traditional Chinese society- wariness and shyness obtain approval and support
Sociocultural theories:
- tomasello 2001: attends to learn from others
- social scaffolding: temporary framework support
- guided participation: organised activities that allow to engage at higher level
- joint attention: mutual understanding
Constructivist approach
Children interact with people to help them learn
Different contexts lead to different forms of development