Piaget Flashcards
Involving structures
Physical actions: looking, hearing and sucking
Mental actions: comparing and categorising
Mental representations: concepts and ideas
Assimilating: taking new information from existing areas
Accommodating: altering existing areas to get new information
Cognitive development:
sensorimotor stage:
6 sub stages
- Reflexes
- Repetition
- Coordination
- Internal/mental representations: object performance
- deferred imitation (memory)
- planned actions
Pre-operational stage:
2 sub stages
- pre-conceptual stage (2-4 years old) internal thoughts
- intuitive stage (4-7 years old) ordering and classifying- unable to explain why
Egocentrism- thinking in own perspective- unable to use cognitive operations
- 3 mountains task
Hughes 1975
- Tasks were difficult for children
Concrete operational:
7-12 years old
- unable to comprehend abstract and hypothetical
Formal operational:
12+ years old
- able to apply rules to hypothetical situations
Methodology on piagets theory
Clinal method of interviewing
No experiments
Hard to replicate work
Hughes 1975
Boy and policeman task
-3-4 year olds got 88% right
Piagets work is too complicated
Tasks were too biased, not experience with mountains
School and literacy can impact development
Action- thought- language
Language presents the world
- not a tool for exploring
Contemporary perspectives
Nature interacts with nurture:
- children who experience with mountains are likely to pass
Imitations relate to the prefrontal and hippocampus
Educational implications
Adapt to the the child’s needs and intellectual level
Active learning:
- deeper learning and understanding
Communication helps to sharper ideas and the use of right words