Vulva & Vagina Flashcards
genital herpes
- cause
- demographics
- morphology - gross and microscopic
- sequelae
- cause = HSV-1, HSV-2
- morphology
- gross - small grouped vesicles that rupture → leaving ulcers/erosions
- microscopic
keratinocytic changes
- multinucleated acantholytic keratinocytes - have lost intracellular connection
- ballooning
- necrosis
- nuclear molding
- chromatin margination
- Cowdry Type A bodies: large nuclear eiosinophillic inclusions in nucleus
keratinocytic changes
- sequelae
- biggest risk is transmission to neonates from HSV+ mothers → disseminated infection
HSV infection - gross appearance
small grouped vesicles that rupture → leaving ulcers/erosions
HSV simplex infection - microscopic
keratinocytic changes
- multinucleated acantholytic keratinocytes - have lost intracellular connection
- ballooning
- necrosis
- nuclear molding
- chromatin margination
- Cowdry Type A bodies: large nuclear eiosinophillic inclusions in nucleus
molluscum contagiosum
- cause
- morphology - gross and microscopic
- sequelae
- cause
- pox virus infection
- spread to others by
- direct contact (fomites) or,
- sexual contact
- morphology
- gross - small umbilicated papule with dimpled center (caseous plug) on lower body - lower abdomen / inner thighs / buttocks / genitals
- microscopic
- dome-shaped papule with dimpled center
- contains molluscum bodies:
- eisoniophillic cytoplasmic inclusions
- sequelae
- non-significant (resolves spontaneously_
molluscum - gross presentation
small umbilicated papule with dimpled center (caseous plug)
on lower body: lower abdomen / inner thighs / buttocks / genitals
mollscum - microscopic presentation
- dome-shaped papule with dimpled center
+ molluscum bodies:
- eisoniophillic cytoplasmic inclusions
condyloma acuminatum
- cause
- morphology
- sequelae
- cause:
- HPV-6,11
- spread by sexual contact
- morphology
- gross- exophytic papillary lesions
- microscopic
exophytic papillomatous growth with
- broad tumor base
- fibrovascular cores
- contain koilocytes:
exophytic papillomatous growth with
- sequelae
- most regress
- but can progress to VIN which can progress to SSC
condyloma acuminatum - gross morphology
papillary, exophytic lesions
on vulva / perineum / perianal skin
condyloma acuminatum - microscopic morphology
exophytic papillomatous growth with
- broad tumor base
- fibrovascular cores
- contain koilocytes: enlarged cells with perinuclear halos
bartholin cyst
- cause
- morphology - gross, microscopic
- sequelae
- cause: obstruction of bartholin duct leading to fluid accumulating
- morphology
- gross - cyst enlargement in labia minor (unilateral)
- microscopic - transitional epithelium lining residual mucous glands
- sequlae
- n/a, no neoplastic potential
lichen sclerosis
- cause
- clinical
- morphology - gross and microscopic
- sequelae
- cause - unknown
- clinical
- sx - pruritic (itchy)
- demographics - post-menopausal women
- gross
pale pink - white dry, rough scaly plaques in anogenital skin
- “parchment-like” skin
- microscopic
band-like lymphocytic infiltrate in deep dermis
- deep to thinning (atrophic) epidermis
- above hypocellular basal layer
- absence of skin adenexa (sweat glands, pilosebaceous units)
band-like lymphocytic infiltrate in deep dermis
pale pink - white dry, rough scaly plaques in anogenital skin
- sequelae
- can progress to D-VIN (HPV-unlrelated VIN)
lichen sclerosis - gross morphology
pale pink - white dry, rough scaly plaques in anogenital skin - “parchment-like” skin
lichen sclerosis - microscopic morphology
band-like lymphocytic infiltrate in deep dermis
- deep to thinning (atrophic) epidermis
- above hypocellular basal layer
- absence of skin adenexa (sweat glands, pilosebaceous units)
vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
- cause
- demographics
- sequelae
- morphology - gross, microscopic
cause, demographics, sequelae
usual VIN (U-VIN)
- HPV related (HPV-16)
- younger women - 4th/5th decade (30s, 40s)
progression unlikely.
- if progresses:
- to SCC, takes 40+ months
- if progresses:
differentiated type VIN (D-VIN)
Not HPV related
- spontaneous or d/t lichen sclerosis
- older women - 7th/8th decade (60s, 70s)
progression very likely (80-90%)
- to SCC, 2x as fast at U-VIN (23-mos)
Not HPV related
- microscopic
- (both): hyperkeratosis & hyperchromatic nuclei
- U-VIN: full-thickness atypia
- D-VIN: atypia often confined to lower epithelial layers, superficial layers mature
- (both): hyperkeratosis & hyperchromatic nuclei
- cause
- demographic
- sequelae
more prevalent VIN (>90%)
- HPV related (HPV-16)
- younger women - 4th/5th decade (30s, 40s)
progression unlikely.
- if progresses:
- to SCC, takes 40+ months
- if progresses:
- cause
- demographic
- sequelae
less prevalent VIN
Not HPV related
- spontaneous, or
- d/t lichen sclerosis
- older women - 7th/8th decade (60s, 70s)
progression very likely (80-90%)
- to SCC, 2x as fast at U-VIN (23-mos)
vulva intraepithelial neoplasm (VIN) - morphology
- in both:
- hyperkeratosis
- hyperchromatic nuclei
- U-VIN vs D-VIN:
- U-VIN: full-thickness atypia
- D-VIN: atypia often confined to lower layers, superficial layers mature
vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
- cause
- demographics
- diagnosis
- morphology
cause / demographics / sequelae / dx
- two variations
- HPV-dependent (30%)
- associated with HPV-16 - typically from U-VIN
- demographics - younger women
- m/c in smokers/immunocompromised
- dx
- for p16
- for p53 mutations
- HPV-independent (70%)
- not associated with HPV - typically from D-VIN / lichen sclerosis
- demographics - older women
- dx
- for p16
- for p53 mutation
- HPV-dependent (30%)
- gross: white, firm central mass with raised borders
- +/- central ulceration
HPV-associated vulvar SSC
- cause
- demographics
- sequelae
- diagnosis
< 30% of vulvar SCC
- associated with HPV-16 / U-VIN
- demographics - younger women (35-65)
- m/c in smokers / immunocompromised
- dx
- positive for p16
- negative for p53 mutations
HPV-independent vulvar SSC
- cause
- demographics
- sequelae
- diagnosis
- not associated with HPV
- typically from D-VIN / lichen sclerosis
- demographics - older women (55-85)
- dx
- negative for p16
- positive for p53 mutation
invasive vulvar SCC
microscopic presentation
- infiltrating nests of eosinophillic cytoplasm
- formation of keratin pearls
- desmoplastic stroma
papillary hidradenoma
- cause
- demographics
- morphology
- sequelae
- cause - gland forming tumor with aprocrine differentiation
- demographics - white women 35-50
- morphology
- gross: well-circumscribed skin-colored nodules
- microscopic:
- branching/anastomosing papillary projections lined with two layers:
- outer - myoepithelial
- inner - cudoidal-columnar
- branching/anastomosing papillary projections lined with two layers:
- sequelae
- n/a - is benign
papillary hidradenoma
gross morphology
well-circumscribed skin-colored nodules
papillary hydradenoma - microscopic presentation
- branching/anastomosing papillary projections that are
- lined with two layers:
- outer - myoepithelial
- inner - cudoidal-columnar
- have apocrine secretion
- lined with two layers: