Placental and Obstetric Pathology Flashcards
normal placenta - blood flow
blood exchange occurs at intervillous spaces, where:
- umbilical arteries delivery oxygenated blood
- which is then picked up by the umbilical vein, and delivered to the fetus
- umbilical veins drain de-oxgenated blood
- which came from the fetus via the umbilical artery
normal early term placenta - microscopic morphology
- villi are immature & LARGE. they contain a
- core of mesenchyme (where vasculature will eventually develop)
- surrouding thick syncytiotrophoblast & cytotrophoblast layers
identify picture & note important features
early term normal placenta (6 weeks)
- large villi (V) in the lacunae (L)
- thick syncitio and cyto trophoblast layers
identify the picture, not important features
early term normal placenta (6 weeks)
- large villi filled with mesenchyme cores (M) surrounded by thick cyto (C) and syncitio (S) trophoblast layers
identify the picture, note important features
early term normal placenta (6 weeks)
- thick cyto and syncitio trophoblast layers
term placenta - microscopic morphology
smaller, highly branched villi (V)
- presence of vasculature in villi
- in more mature villi, thinning of surrounding layers (cyto and syncitio trophoblast) allows approximation of fetal capillaries (C) to lacunae blood
- presence of vasculature in villi
- presence of synctitial knots: (K) aggregated syncytiotrophoblast nuclei
identify the picture, note important features
normal term placenta (40 weeks)
smaller, highly branched villi
- some villi have vasculature (dark pink)
- presence of syncitial knots (dark blue)
identify the picture, note important features
normal term placental (40 weeks)
- thinned outer layers that approximate fetal capillaries (C) to maternal blood in lacunae (L)
identify the picture, note important features
normal term placental (40 weeks)
- presence of vasculature in villi
- presence of syncitial knots (K)
identify the picture, not eimportant pictures
first trimester chorionic villi
- thick, distinct outer layers (cyto and syncitio trophoblast)
- villi filled with stroma/mesenchyme
identify the picture, not important features
third trimester chorionic villi
- dense network of villi filled with dilated fetal capillaries
- thinned out surrounding layers (cyto and syncitio trophoblasts)
describe a normal umbilical cord
- made of 3 vessels
- two umbilical arteries
- one umbilical vein
identify the picture, note important features
normal umbilical cord
- made of 3 vessels
- two umbilical arteries
- one umbilical vein
what are the two types of twin pregnancies?
- dizygotic twins: two ovum fertilized
- monozygotic twins: single ovum fertilizted → divides into two
what are the variations of twin placentas? what types of twin pregnancies can be seen in each variation?
three variations
dichorionic diamniotic (fused and separate version)
- can occur with either monozygotic or dizygotic twins
two types: monochorionic monoamniotic, monochorionic diamniotic
- ONLY occurs with monozygotic twins: single fertilization, is mono vs di amniotic dependent on when embryo split
two types: monochorionic monoamniotic, monochorionic diamniotic
identify each type of placenta pregnancy
which type of twins can be see in which?
dichorionic diamniotic (fused and separate version)
- can occur with either
- monozygotic twoms
- dizygotic twins
- can occur with either
- ONLY occurs with monozygotic twins: single fertilization, is mono vs di amniotic dependent on when embryo split
twin to twin transfusion
- what is the cause / setting?
- what is the implication to the fetus?
- seen only in monozygotic twins
vascular anastomoses can form between twins. if blood is shunted to one twin preferentially,
- one twin is over-perfused & appears
- plethoric
- polycythemia
- one twin is under-perfused and appears
- pale
- anemic
- one twin is over-perfused & appears
vascular anastomoses can form between twins. if blood is shunted to one twin preferentially,
identify the picture, note important features
twin to twin perfusions
vascular anastomoses can form between twins. if blood is shunted to one twin preferentially,
- one twin is over-perfused & appears
- plethoric
- polycythemia
- one twin is under-perfused and appears
- pale
- anemic
- one twin is over-perfused & appears
placenta previa?
- definition
- clinical presentation
- variations
- condition where placenta implants in the lower uterine segment or cervix
- presentation: in 3rd trimester
- +/- bleeding (worse in certain variations)
- variations:
- complete placenta previa - in which the placenta covers the internal cervical OS - is the most severe
placenta accreta
- definition
- clinical presentation
- variations
- definition: absence of the decidua (either partial or complete) such that the placenta attaches deeply to the uterine wall
- presentation: severe post-partum hemorrhage that is potentially life threatening
- variations
- placenta increta = placenta attached to uterine muscles
- placenta perrceta = placenta goes completely through uterine wall
spontaneous abortion
- definition
- diagnosis
- defined as: loss of pregnancy prior to 20 weeks of gestation
- diagnosis: passage of products of conception (chorionic villi) or fetal parts
ectopic pregnancy
- most important pre-disposing risk factors
- m/c site of implantation
- clinical presentation
- can progress to?
- PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
- extrauterine fallopian tube (90% of cases) -i.e. “tubal pregnancy”
- clinical presentation - typically follows rupture
- amenorrhea
- abdominal pain
- vaginal bleeding
- can progress to:
- hematosalpinx: blood filled fallopian tube
tubal rupture vs spontaneous regression:
- tubal rupture more common: can lead to hemorrhagic shock + signs of acute abdomen
ruptured fallopian tube
what is the most common cause of hematosalpinx?
tubal ectopic pregnancy