VPH AM/PM - pictures Flashcards
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM and why? (2 marks)
- Should cows with this condition be sent to slaughter and why? (2 marks)
- Outline any advice that you would give to the farmer regarding the management of this condition. (1 mark)
- Demataphytosis (ring worm)
- Accepted for slaughter
- Partial rejection of the skin (1) as ABP category 2 as the skin is not fit for consumption. (1)
- Yes as the animals are not clinically unwell.
- No advice give as ringworm usually clears up on its own without treatment.
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM and why? (2 marks)
- Actinomycosis bovis - lumpy jaw.
- Accepted for slaughter
- Reject head (1) as ABP category 2 (1)
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM and why? (2 marks)
- Outline any advice that you would give to the farmer regarding the management of this condition. (1 mark)
- Mastitis
- Mild cases will be accepted for slaughter, severe cases where systempic will be rejected.
- If systemic, total rejection / if not, partial rejection of udder (1). Carcass/udder disposed of as ABP category 2 (1).
- Consider the use of teat sealants during the drying off period.
A cow suddenly dies in the lairage.
- Name two differentials. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- What steps would you undertake next? (1 mark)
- Anthrax, heat stress.
- Rejected for slaughter.
- Notify APHA as anthrax is suspected.
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abbattoir. (1 mark)
- How would you prioritise their slaughter and dispose of the animals? (3 marks)
- Foot and mouth disease (FMD).
- Rejected for slaughter.
- Notify the APHA as FMD is a notifiable disease.
- Slaughter last after confirming with APHA (1). Completley disenfect all equipment and areas after slaughter (1). Dispose carcasses as ABP category 1 if SRM is not removed (1).
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abbattoir. (1 mark)
- How would you prioritise their slaughter and dispose of the animals? (3 marks)
- Afrifan Swine Fever / Classical Swine Fever (1 mark).
- Rejected at AM (1).
- Contact APHA as this is a notifiable disease (1).
4.Slaughter last after confirming with APHA (1). Completley disenfect all equipment and areas after slaughter (1). Dispose carcasses as ABP category 2 (1).
A cow appears like this in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- What is this disease caused by (1 mark).
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abattoir. (1 mark)
- How would the OV and VO deal with the situation. (2 marks)
- BSE (1)
- Prions (1)
- Reject for slaughter (1)
- Notify APHA (1)
- The APHA, would euthanise the animal in the lairage with a barbituate (1), before making arrangements for the animal to be transported to a lab or disposed as ABP category 1 (1).
A sheep appears like this in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- What is this disease caused by (1 mark).
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abattoir. (1 mark)
- How would the OV and VO deal with the situation. (2 marks)
- Scrapie (1)
- Prions (1)
- Reject for slaughter (1)
- Notify APHA (1)
- The APHA, would euthanise the animal in the lairage with a barbituate (1), before making arrangements for the animal to be transported to a lab or disposed as ABP category 1 (1).
A sheep appears like this in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abbattoir. (1 mark)
- Outline your judjment at PM and why? (3 marks)
- Bluetounge Virus
- Accepted for slaughter
- Notify APHA as this is still a notifiable disease.
- Partial rejection of the head only (1) as ABP category 2 (1) as the meat poses no risk to humans (1).
A sheep appears like this in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abbattoir. (1 mark)
- How would you prioritise their slaughter and dispose of the animals? (3 marks)
- Brucella ovis or Brucella abortus (1)
- Not fit for slaughter
- Notify APHA
- Slaughter last (1), ensure staff wear PPE (1) and dispose carcasses as ABP Category 2 (1).
A sheep appears like this in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abbattoir. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM. (1 mark)
- How would you prioritise their slaughter and dispose of the animals? (2 marks)
- The farmer wants to sell some of these sheep to a neighbouring farm, what is your advice? (2 marks).
- Psoroptes ovis
- Fit for slaughter
- Report to APHA as they may wish to follow up on farm.
- Partially reject skin (1).
- Slaughter at the end to prevent contamination (1). Dispose skin as ABP category 2 (1).
- It is an offence to move sheep visibly affected with sheep scab (1). Therefore, he would not be able to sell them to a neighbouring farm (1).
A sheep appears like this in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM. (1 mark)
- How would you prioritise their slaughter and dispose of the animals? (3 marks)
- What advice would you give to the farmer regarding its control?
- Contagious pustular dermatitis (CPD) / Orf
- Fit for slaughter
- Partially reject skin (1).
- Slaughter at the end to prevent contamination (1). Dispose skin as ABP category 2 (1). Advise workers to wear PPE as there is a zooinotic risk (1).
- There is a live vaccine avaliable to use.
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM and why? (2 marks)
- Papillomatosis (warts)
- Accepted for slaughter
- Partial rejection of the skin (1) as ABP category 2 as the skin is not fit for consumption. (1)
A cow arrives in the lariage like this:
- Name the problem. (1 mark)
- What is the decision at AM. (1 mark)
- How is the carcass disposed of? (1 mark)
- What follow up action (if any) do you take and why? (1 mark)
- Emaciation (1)
- Unfit for human consumption (1)
- ABP category 2 (1)
- Report to APHA as this is an on farm welfare issue (1)
A pig arrives looking like this:
- Is this animal for for slaughter and what actions are taken at AM? (2 marks)
- What are the possible outcomes at PM for an animal like this and name the correct ABP category for any rejections? (4 marks)
- Name the condition (1 mark)
- Yes (1), however, the pig will be marked for FIP (1).
- Only the skin will be rejected. (1)
Affected organs will be rejected (1)
If endocarditis/septicaemia is present, then a total rejection (1)
All rejecteons as ABP category 2 (1)
- Erysipelas (1)
A pig appears like this and is in visible pain in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at AM. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM. (1 mark)
- How would you prioritise their slaughter and dispose of the animals? (2 marks)
- How would you follow up with this case (2 marks)
- Hernia (1)
- Fit for slaughter (1)
- Fit for human consumption (1)
- Slaughter first as the animal is in pain (1). The animal is otherwise fit for human consumption and all parts of the animal may enter the food chain (1).
- Report to TS as this animal was in visible pain whilst being trasported (1). Report to APHA as this could be an on farm welfare issue (1).
A pig appears like this in the lairage:
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline all possible judgments at AM and why? (3 mark)
- Outline all possible judgments at PM and why? (3 mark)
- Tail bites
- Mild cases are accepted (1) with FIP (1). However, those with open wounds, abbsesses or no tail will be rejected (1).
- Mild cases are fit for human consumption (1). Carcasses wich show signs of secondary infection or speticeamia will be totally rejected (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
A preganat cow is in the lairage- can this animal go for slaughter?
Yes, provided that they are not in the last 10% of the pregnancy.
A cow has been slaughtered and was in the last 10% of her pregnancy. What actions do you take and why? (2 marks)
Report to LA TS (1) as heavily preganat animals are not fit to transport (1).
A cow appears like this after getting off the transport into the lairage:
What are your immediate actions and why (2 marks)
How do you follow this case up? (1 mark)
- Slaughter immediatly in the lairgae (1) as the cow is in pain/welfare impeaded (1).
- Report to LA TS.
During PM inspection a cow appears like this:
- What is this condition (1 mark)
- How is this dealt with (2 marks)
- Actinobacillus lingnieresii (wooden tounge)
- Partial rejection of the tounge (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
During PM inspection a cow’s lungs appear like this:
- What is this condition (1 mark)
- What is your judjment at PM and why? (2 marks)
- Pneumonia
- Partial rejection of the lungs (1) as ABP category 2 (1) as the rest of the carcass is unaffected.
During PM inspection a cow’s thoracic cavity appears like this:
- What is this condition (1 mark)
- What is your judjment at PM and why? (2 marks)
- Pleurisy (1)
- Partial rejection of the pleura (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
If this was worse, the lungs, and rib cage may also be rejected.
During PM inspection a cow’s lungs appear like this:
- What is this condition (1 mark)
- What is your judjment at PM and why? (2 marks)
- Give two pieces of advice to the farmer on how to prevent this condition. (2 marks)
- Dictyocaulus viviparus
- Partial rejection of the lungs (1) as ABP category 2 (1). This is because the carcass is not affected.
- Maintain a closed heard (1) and regularly treat the heard with a product containing fenbendazole (1).
During a PM inspection, a cows liver looks like this:
- Give two differentials, with the first being your most likely. (3 marks).
- What is your decision at PM (2 marks)
- Abscesses (2 marks, 1 mark if not first), Echinococcus granulosa (1).
- Partial rejection of the liver (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
During a PM inspection, a cows liver looks like this:
- Name the two potential causes of this condition. (2 marks)
- What is your decision at PM (2 marks)
- How could the farmer treat this condition? (1 mark)
- Fasciola hepatica (1) and Fasciola gigantica (1).
- Partial rejection of the liver (1) as ABP category 3 (1).
- Treat with a product containing Triclabendazole
During a PM inspection, a cows liver looks like this:
- Name this condition. (1 marks)
- What is your decision at PM? (2 marks)
- Hepatic scaring
- Partial rejection of the liver (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
A MHI calls you over as they are unsure about the offal shown below:
- What is the MHI concered about. (1 mark)
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- What should you now do and why. (2 marks)
- What infomration should you try to gather about this animal? (2 marks)
- Tumours (1)
- Bovine Leukaemia Virus (1)
- Notify APHA (1) as BLV is notifiable (1)
- Age of animals / number of permanent incisors (1) and retain the FCI and passport (1)
What tumours are notifiable?
All tumours are notifiable accept papilomas and hemangiomata. This is because they could be caused by BLV.
Upon PM inspection, the carcass appears like this:
- What is this condition? (1 mark)
- What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
- What is the likely cause of these? (1 mark)
- Abscesses (1)
- Partial rejection of affected muscle/organ (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
- Poor injection technique (1)
Part of a carcass appears brusied
- What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
- Trim off affected areas (1), this goes as ABP category 3 (1)
Part of the hind leg of a pig is contaminated with faeces.
- What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
- Trim off affected areas (1), this goes as ABP category 3 (1)
A cow on the line is contaminated by brain material from the cow in front.
- What is the decision at PM and why? (3 marks)
Dispose of the whole carcass (1) as ABP category 1 (1) as it has been contaminated with SRM (1).
List three things that would help you determine if a joint was septic or not. (3 marks)
- The apperance of synovial fluid
- Level of swelling in the joint
- Enlargement of local lymph nodes
Outline the decisions at PM for the following:
- Non-septic, mild arthritis
- Non-septic severe arthritis
- Septic arthritis in one joint
- Septic arthritis in 2 joints
Total 7 marks
- Carcass is FHC
- Reject joint as ABP category 2
- Reject joint as ABP category 2
- Total rejection of whole carcass as ABP category 2.
1 mark for Q1, then 2 each for others.
A cows heart appears like this at PM:
- Name this condition (1 mark).
- What are the possible decisions at PM? (4 marks)
- Would this change if further lesions were also found in the diaphragm? (5 marks)
- Why are these lesions found in the heart and diaphragm? (1 mark)
- Cysticercus bovis (1)
- Reject the heart (1) as ABP category 2 (1). Or, store the heart in cold storage for the required time (based on temperature) (1) before disposing as ABP category 3 (1).
- Yes (1) as the whole carcass would be rejected (1) as ABP category 2 (1). Or, store the whole carcass would need to undergo cold storage for the required time (based on temperature) (1) before disposing as ABP category 3 (1).
- As these are the most oxygenated tissues.
A MHI calls you over at PM to view a cows liver:
- Give two ranked differentials? (3 marks)
- What is the decision at PM (2 marks)
- What advice would you give to the farmer to reduce instances of this? (3 marks)
- Echinococcus granulosa (2), absecss (1)
- Partial rejection of the affected organ (1) as ABP category 2 (1)
- Do not consume any food/water that may have been contaminated by faecal matter from dogs (1)
Wash hands with soap and warm water after handling dogs, and before handling food (1)
Control of all dogs to keep them from defecating in and around populated areas (1)
If they have dogs in the farm, treat them monthly/every six weeks with praziquantel (1)
A MHI calls you over to view an odematous carcass.
What is your decision at PM? (2 marks)
Does this carcass need to be stained ? (1 mark)
Total rejection (1), dispose of as ABP category 2/1 depending on SRM (1).
No as it can be used for teaching/research.
A MHI calls you over to view an emaciated carcass.
What is your decision at PM? (2 marks)
Does this carcass need to be stained ? (1 mark)
Total rejection (1), dispose of as ABP category 2/1 depending on SRM (1).
No as it can be used for teaching/research.
A MHI calls you over to view the following at PM:
- Name this disease. (1 Mark)
- What is your decision at PM? (2 marks)
- What follow up actions must you take? (1 mark)
- How would you decision at PM change if it was a deer and not a cow? Why is this? (2 marks)
- TB
- Total rejection (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
- Notify APHA (1)
- It would still be a total rejection, however, it would be disposed of as ABP cateogry 1 (1) as deer are considered wild game (1).
A lamb pictured below is presented at PM:
- What is wrong with the lamb? (1 mark)
- What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
- Septiceamia
- Total rejection (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
At PM a carcass with generalised hydatidosis is presented.
How is this dealt with? (2 marks)
Total rejection (1) as ABP category 2 (1) as it is widespread
A carcass like this appears on the line:
What is wrong with it? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
Would the decision be different if it were a jersey cow? Why? (4 marks)
Jaundice (1)
Total rejection (1) as category (2)
Further investigations may need to be performed (1) as carotene pigmentation (1) is normal and accepted in jersey cows (1). If the OV was concerned, a remington and fourie test could be done (1).
The carcass below is presented at PM:
Name the condition. (1 mark)
What is the judjment at PM? (2 marks)
Outline a possible cause in the cow, pig and sheep. (3 marks)
If the case was less generalised, what would the decision at PM be? (2 marks)
Peritonitis (1)
Total rejection as this is generalised (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
Cow - perforation of gut conents into perineal cavity (1)
Pig - Streptococcus suis (1)
Sheep - abdominal infection caused by joint ill (1)
It would be a partial rejection of the affected organs only (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
Why are joint and naval ill total rejections? (1 mark)
Because they are ascending infections (1).
At PM inspection you notice that a carcass smells abnormally foul.
What is the decision at PM and why?
Total rejection of the carcass (1) as ABP category 2 (1). As the odour is likely caused by pathology that has become generalised (1).
A 6 day old foetus is presented to the abbattior.
What is the decision at AM and why? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
What follow up actions do you take and why? (1 mark)
Animals less than 7 days old have no passport or FCI, thus cant be slaughtered for human consumption(1)
Total rejection (1) dispose of as ABP category 2 (1)
Report to TS (1) as animals under 7 days old should not be transported (1).
You notice that a carcass has been badly bled.
Provided this carcass passes PM, how should it be disposed of? (2 marks)
What follow up action do you take (1 mark)
Total rejection (1), dispose of as ABP category 3 (1)
Check training, provide training or slow down the line (1).
You notice mechanical damage to a carcass.
What options could be taken at PM? (4 marks)
What follow up actions do you take? (2 marks)
Affected part -> partial rejection (ABP category 3)(2)
Generalised damage -> total rejection (ABP category 3) (2)
Check maintenence of machine (1), recalibrate if necessary (1).
Sheep lungs are presented at PM:
What is the aeitiology of the disease?
Mycoplasma ovipnumoniae
Sheep lungs are presented at PM:
What is the aeitiology of the disease?
Pasteurella: Bibersteninia trehalosi
Sheep lungs are presented as below:
What is the disease? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM and why? (3 marks)
Muellerius capillaris
Partial rejection of the lungs (1), as ABP category 3 (1). This is becuase these pose no threat to animal or human health (1).
A sheep diaphragm is presented at PM.
What is the disease? (1 mark)
What is the causative agent? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
How is generalised defined? (1 mark)
Cycticercus ovis
Taenia ovis
Partial rejection of affected organ (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
If it is present in 3 or more areas (1)
A sheep liver is presented at PM.
What is the disease? (1 mark)
What is the causative agent? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
How is generalised defined? (1 mark)
Cycticercus tenuicollis
Taenia hydatigena
Partial rejection of affected organ (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
If it is present in 3 or more areas (1)
You notice that many of the sheep coming off the transport have bruising.
What action do you take? (1 mark)
Report to APHA on welfare grounds (1)
A porcine liver is presented at PM.
What is the condition? (1 mark)
What decision is made at PM? (2 marks)
Ascaris suum (1)
Liver partially rejected (1) as ABP category 2 (1)
A pig heart has the following apperance at PM.
What is this? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM inspection? (2 marks)
Endocarditis (1)
Reject the heart (1) as ABP category 2 (1).
- Name this condition. (1 mark)
- Outline your judgment at PM. (1 mark)
- Outline your next steps in the abbattoir. (1 mark)
- Afrifan Swine Fever / Classical Swine Fever (1 mark).
- Rejected at PM (1).
- Contact APHA as this is a notifiable disease (1).
A MHI calls you over to look at a kidney.
What is the condition? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM if it is:
(4 marks)
Unilateral -> Kidney will be rejected (1) as ABP category 2.
Bilateral -> total rejection (1) as ABP category 2 (1)
A MHI calls you over to inspect this thoracic cavity:
What is this condition? (1 mark)
What is the decision at PM? (2 marks)
Melanosis (1)
Partial rejection of affected organs (1) as ABP category 3 (1)
A pigs heart is presented at PM inspection.
What is this? (1 mark)
What is its cause? (1 mark)
What is the decision at post mortem and why? (3 marks)
Cysticercus cellulosae (1)
Taenia solium (1)
Total rejection (1) as ABP category 2 (1). This is becuase this is zooinotic and will have contaminated the meat (1).