Notifiable diseases Flashcards
What are the reasons for a disease being notifiable?
- Internation trade
- Public health (but not always zoonosis)
- Animal welfare
- Wider society
- Due regard for cost to the community and availability of appropriate solutions
Describe the list of Human Notifiable Infectious Disease UK
- Medical practitioners have statutory duty to notify the “proper office” at local council or local health protection team of suspected cases of certain diseases
- Aims to detect outbreaks of disease and epidemics as rapidly as possible
- Some are zoonoses that are not notifiable when affecting animals
- Includes syndromes as well as disease agents
What actions are required following identification of a potential zoonotic disease?
- Report to APHA
- e.g. FMD, duty VO discuss case over phone, must stay on farm, movement restrictions effective immediately samples sent to lab, farm declared Suspect Premises
Describe Rinderpest
- AKA cattle plague
- Eradicated globally in 2011
- Morbillivirus, closely related to: measles, canine distemper, pest de petit ruminants
- Affects ruminant and swine
Describe peste de petit ruminants
- Goat plague (affects sheep and goats)
- Morbillivirus
- fever and depression, severe discharge from eyes and nose, coughing, diarrhoea, death
- Does not usually kill goats and sheep, does cause severe disease and loss of production
- Spreading to Greece and Turkey
Describe Classical Swine Fever
- Aka hog cholera, pig plague
- Pestivirus
- Transmitted in bodily fluids and tissues of sick or dead animals
- Vertical transmission outcome depends on strain and stage of gestation
- Congenital infection can be persistently viraemic, shed for 6-12 months before dying
- Fever, huddling, blotchy skin lesions, convulsions and death
Describe African Swine Fever
- Asfaviridae
- Sub-saharan Africa, Sardina, Caucasus, Northwest Russia
- Severe disease, high mortality
- (Sometimes bloody) V/D, reddening/darkening of skin (esp. ears, snout), gummed up eyes, laboured breathing and coughing, abortion, still births, weak litters, weakness, unwillingness to stand
- Spread by direct contact, faeces, body fluids, fomites, Ornithodoros ticks
Describe Capropoxvirus
- Poxviridae
- Lumpy skin disease
- Spread to Greece and other parts of Eastern Europe, now under control and spread prevented
Describe Foot and Mouth Disease
- Apthavirus (picornavirus)
- Quick mutation
- Survives 1 month in environment
- Transmitted on fomites and wind
- Can cause sub-clinical to severe disease
- Some concern over zoonosis (not shown in practice)
- Vesicles/ulcers in mouth, on tongue, feet, lameness, fever, markedly reduced production
- Pigs produce large amounts of virus as aerosol
Outline the steps following suspicion of an FMD case
- Report to APHA by telephone, discuss with duty VO, visit to farm
- Sample taken, sent to Pirbright, farm declared “Suspect Premises”
- Formal confirmation by Chief Veterinary Officer, informs OIE and EU, reports regularly to both
- England loses FMD free status, exports of cattle and cattle products stop (min. from within control zone)
- Protection zone, surveillance zone and restricted zone put in place
Where is the protection zone in an FMD outbreak?
Minimum of 3km radius from the IP
Where is the surveillance zone in an FMD outbreak?
Minimum of 10km radius from IP
Where is the restricted zone in an FMD outbreak?
National movement ban across GB
Describe the requirements placed on suspected premises of FMD
- Warning/keep out signs
- Records of animals, bedding etc on site
- Isolation of animals
- Prevention of movement of animals and any movements on and off farm that may spread infection
- Disinfectants at entrances and exits
- Rodent control
Describe the requirements placed on infected premises of FMD
- Restrictions imposed on premises remain in force
- Susceptible animals humanely culled
- Carcasses disposed of and preliminary disinfection carried out on farm
- Epidemiological investigation continues to establish where the disease came from and where it may have spread
Describe carcass disposal in FMD
- Normally commercial incineration, rendering or licensed commercial landfill
- Ensure on-farm pyres or mass burial not used in future (but cannot be ruled out if demand exceeds capacity of preferred disposal options
Describe pre-emptive culling in FMD
- Animal Health Act allows culling of animals NOT exposed to FMD infection where at risk
- Only where disease control (slaughter) protocol published, vaccination considered
- Vaccination preferred, aim to avoid pre-emptive culling
Outline the requirements placed on contact premises in an FMD outbreak
- If high risk: premises considered dangerous contact, animals culled
- If low risk: premises and animals under restriction, health status monitored for 3-4 weeks from last known contact with IP, sampled on epidemiological basis
Explain what is meant by contact premises in FMD
- Premises where disease may have come from or spread to
- Can arise through: movement of animals, people, farm equipment, vehicles, slurry/manure, geographical location
- When contact premises identified, assessment made about level of risk (high/low)
What are the impacts of an FMD outbreak?
- Significant economic costs to farmer and government
- Welfare culling if movement restrictions prevent access to food
- Employment of temporary staff