Vowels part one Flashcards
Are produced without much constriction in a vocal tract but occur at the onset of consonants (j and w)
Examples of semi-vowels
j and w
What is F1 and F2?
They are formats.
Format frequencies have acoustic energy around a particular frequency in a speech wave.
What happens with F1?
The exact frequency of F1 will change
based on the shape of the trachea.
What happens with F2?
The exact frequency of F2 will change
based on the shape of the oral cavity.
What vowel is high in F1 but low in F2?
Cardinal vowel
A cardinal vowel is avowelsound produced when thetongueis in an extreme position, either front or back, high or low.
What is a format?
Formants occur at roughly 1000Hz intervals. Each formant corresponds to a resonance in the vocal tract.
What is fronting and backing?
The tongue movement going either forward or backwards when producing a diphthong.
What is centring?
When the vowel directs towards the centre of the mouth
Give words that are examples of centring:
What is narrow and wide in vowels?
Narrow: Not much difference between the the vowels used
Wide: a lot of distance between the vowels used.
When did the Great Vowel shift occur?
What is the great vowel shift?
Where there was a change in the way vowels were pronounced.
Give an example of a shift of vowels:
1400s: /e:/
1500s-1900s: /i:/
Theorist for chain shift:
Chain shift:
When the change in pronunciation in one sound is linked to the change in other sounds.
What is a push chain?
When one vowel moves to the next space, with the patterning continuing. ( /ae/ moving to /ɛ/ )
Example of push chain:
/ae/ moving to /ɛ/
What is a pull chain?
When the head of a chain moves away. This triggers the next vowel to move up into the empty space.
What ways can vowels move then? Give 2 examples:
- Chain shifts
- Vowel Weakening
What is vowel weakening? Give an example:
A change in the acoustic of a vowel:
- Loudness
- Duration
- Stress
What vowel is high in F2 but low in F1?