Voting Systems (UK) Essay Flashcards
Some would argue that the additional member electoral system is the most effective because it allows for voters to select a candidate and a political party they wish to see in power. However others would compare that to the first past the post system or single transferable vote system arguing they are in fact better systems because FPTP allows for the party to receive representation in parliament based on the number of votes they receive and STV gives voters to opportunity to rank the candidates from the best candidate in their opinion to the worst. Ultimately, this response will set out why the additional member system is more effective overall at providing effective choice and fair representation in elections.
AMS vs stv
The additional member system provides effective choice as citizens get two votes. The first is to elect their constituency MSP using the first past the post system, they can then cast a second vote for their preferred party. Voters can split their vote and vote for a constituency MSP who represents a different party to the regional vote. This means that they can choose their preferred candidate who they believe will represent their constituency best in parliament, and still support their preferred party in the regional vote.
AMS vs stv
This gives voters different options of how they can vote and who they can vote for which therefore allows them to have more say in who is elected into government.
AMS vs stv
Under AMS smaller parties such as the Green party are more likely to win regional MSPS as their votes are grouped together in larger regions, increasing the representation of different viewpoints in parliament.
ams vs STV
Voters elect councillors by ranking candidates in order of their preference, 1 being awarded to their first choice. This allows for voters to vote for multiple candidates and gives opportunities to more candidates. STV allows for small parties to gain a percentage of votes that matches the percentage of seats they have gained as it is proportional representation system.
ams vs STV
In 2017, the Scottish Green party won 19 seats, five more than in 2012 due to the STV system, allowing smaller parties to gain a larger percentage of support.
ams vs STV
This means that STV provides effective choice as it gives a wider opportunity for voters to elect multiple candidates and especially those who would otherwise receive minimal votes in alternate systems.
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Therefore, while AMS gives voters two choices of votes, the constituency MSP and the political party, the STV rank system allows citizens to vote for multiple candidates, which provides more effective choice.
FPTP vs fptp
The FPTP voting system is a very simple and effective system to use when voting, allowing for fair representation. The voter simply has to mark an X next to the candidate of their choice on the ballot paper and the candidate who receives the most votes in that constituency wins the seat in parliament. The result of this is that it is a simple and easy way to understand system that will often encourage voter turnout.
FPTP vs fptp
For example, in the 2019 election the Conservatives gained 360 seats with 42% of the vote and Labour got 302 seats with 32% of the vote.
FPTP vs fptp
This shows that based on the percentage of votes that a candidate receives is then used to allocate their political party a number of seats in parliament, allowing for the parties who receive more of the votes, to have more say and seats within the perliament, allowing for a fair representation of parties as any votes that a candidate receives equivalate to a number of seats.
fptp vs FPTP
However, FPTP isn’t fair for all political parties. FPTP is unfair to smaller parties as for smaller parties that only get a low percentage of votes, they will gain no representation because they did not win in any constituency, therefore causing an unfair representation within parliament and the voting system.
fptp vs FPTP
For example, in 2019, the Green party had only one MP in the House of Commons despite gaining 865,707 votes.
fptp vs FPTP
This shows that smaller parties aren’t able to provide their views or opinions to parliament as they cannot attain enough of the votes to compare to other well-known and well-established parties in parliament, to be able to gain representation in parliament.
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Therefore, it can be said that the FPTP system can give parties fair representation, however this is only to an extent. This is because the system is favoured towards larger parties and doesn’t allow for smaller parties to gain any representation in larger elections or any presence in parliament, meaning that the voting system doesn’t accomondate to all political parties.