SA Government Responses Essay Flashcards
Education - free education for the poorest
The ANC responds to inequalities in many ways, and with education, they have introduced strategies from primary all the way to higher education. They have introduced free education for the poorest people, which means the government made more widely accessible education at a cheaper rate, or even no fee, to allow everyone the same opportunity to learn, which previously they did not have the ability to go into due to their poor social status and lack of wealth.
Free education for the poorest
This has been effective because Blacks will benefit from this massive increase in educated individuals as when they become adults and enter into higher paying jobs. However, a downfall of this is that Blacks are still overwhelmingly poorer and black children and young people may need to work and therefore less likely to attend school full-time. This leads to a repetition of the poverty cycle as these young people cannot access the full cirriculm.
Free education for the poorest
For example, in 2002, only 1% of the poorest in SA attended school. In 2012, this rose to 55% amd in 2018 this was 68%.
More effective - University Quota
This is where the ANC uses the constitution to ensure that there are quotas for blacks in university, allowing for blacks to have the opportunity to go to school without worrying about the costs.
More effective - University Quota
For example, blacks will be allocated a space above whites with the same grades. This means that black south africans now make up 70% of higher education spaces.
More effective - University Quota
This shows that Blacks now make up a large majority of higher education students which is a big improvement from previous years due to the university quota, helping black south africans go to school.
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Overall, free education for the poorer is effective because it allows for those who typically couldn’t afford an education, the opportunity to seek out education which can help them earn a higher-paying job as they have the ability to gain a fuller education. However, the University Quota is more effective at reducing inequality because it allows for blacks to have the bility to go into higher education as they do not have to worry about the cost of their education and the stress of not getting a place in university.
Health - antiretroviral drug treatments
This involves South Africa has made huge improvements in getting people to test for HIV in recent years. Its the ANC that made these drugs widely available and they continue to rid the diseases by helping tackle transmission of these diseases. Preventing HIV in SA focuses on the prevention of mother-to-child transmisson and PrEP, which is a daily pill that can prevent HIV.
Antiretroviral drug treatments
For example, 94% of people with HIV knew their status, of which 79% were on treatment for HIV.
Antiretroviral drug treatments
This has been effective because from the increasing focus on the prevention of HIV has allowed for the death rate relating to HIV to decrease as more people are being tested earlier on and are receiving treatment as soon as they tested poitive, reducing the number of deaths. However, a downfall of this is that SA is behind on increasing access to HIV treatment for more people than any other country, meaning that many cases of HIV are going untreated.
More effective - Primary Healthcare Program
This is a program which involves creating local and smal scale links to manage more minor health issues before they become severe and to the point of needing hospital care. This government strategy embraces health, nutrition, immusination, screening, HIV/AIDS education and child health.
More effective - Primary Healthcare Program
For example, the National Primary School Nutrition Project (Mandela Sandwich) has improves nutrition and health standards (as well as educational attainment).
More effective - Primary Healthcare Program
This shows that from the PHC progam, South Africa has managed to prevent the onset of several diseases in South Africa as they have tackled the disease from an early age, allowing for children to grow up stronger and healthier. From the PHC, SA is now declared polio free through immunisation being free for children under the age of 6, causing the disease to be slowly eradicated and soon disappeared.
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Overall, antiretroviral drugs are effectivebecause they will prolong the lives of millions of South African through testing people more regularly and earlier in their life, preventing the onset of HIV developing into AIDS, but the Primary Healthcare Program is more effective at reducing inequality because children born today are more likely to become healthier than their parents through receiving better treatment at an earlier stage.
Housing and Land - Willing seller, willing buyer
The idea of this policy was that the state would buy farm land from people (mainly whites) and redistribute it evenly to people in need (mostly blacks), allowing for blacks to have the ability to have land of their own.
Willing seller, willing buyer
However, a downfall of this is that hardly any whites were willing sellers which made this a poor strategy as they weren’t enough whites willing to give up their land to the blacks and therefore caused the scheme to be discontinued, effectively leaving many balcks without the opportunity to make money or build their own homes on the land they could have owned.
Willing seller, willing buyer
For examle, in 2022, nearly 3/4 of privately-owned land is still in the hands of whites, who make up less than a tenth of the population of 58 million, while only 4% is owned by blacks who are nearly 80%, government data shows.
More effective - Reconstruction and Development Programme
For example, about 50,000 were built in South Africa in 1992. This figure could reasonably be increased to over 300,000 units each year by the end of the RDP’s five-year programme.
More effective - Reconstruction and Development Programme
The aim of this program is to help tackle some of South Africa’s most prolific social problems such as housing, clean water, sanitation and electricity. This allows for less people to be on the streets, improving the economy as the government is providing families or people who are eligible and qualify for a house.
More effective - Reconstruction and Development Programme
This has been effective because it allows for the people living in the houses to gain better sanitiation, the ability to receive clean, healthy water as well as provides them safety from the dangers that are on the streets, especially at night. However, a downfall of this is that the criteria for being eligible is very strict and hard for those who may need to program. For example, you must be married or habitually cohabit with a partner, or you could be single, and have financial dependents.
Housing and Land
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Overall, willing seller, willing buyer is ineffective because there wasn’t enough support from the whites in order for the policy to be successful, but the Reconstruction and Development Programme is more effective at reducing inequalities because it offered South African safety for harm on the streets, and the removal of the financial stress of having to pay for a house, allowng for less people to be living on the streets.