Voting and Elections Flashcards
The Political documents of a specific party that is written at a convention. Outlines the parties beliefs, principals and positions on topics presented in elecions
each individual part/section of the platform
Third Party
Smaller minority parties other than the traditional two parties (Democrat/Republican) that run against the 2 Major parties but are usually overlooked and harder for them to win.
General Election
Regular Election as opposed to Primary. After a political party nominates its candidates, they begin to campaign for the general election.
Straight Ticket
A form of a ballot that makes voting easier for people who just want to vote based on party and not candidate preference.
Split Ticket
Type of ballot where you may choose candidates from both parties.
All the people who are eligible to vote
A person who has already been nominated into office
FEC (1974)
Federal Election Committee created by the FECA to administer all federal elections and monitor campaign spending
Obvious favoring or hatred for one side of a topic, issue, party or person.
A person who is impartial to parties
Political Action Committees. Funnels money from interest groups into the specific candidate or party they support to be used for their campaigning.
A way for citizens to approve or reject state law by petitioning to have a law sent back. This allows citizens to have a say in the laws that govern them
The proposed law that was petitioned by the people.
A way that citizens can propose new laws or state constitutional amendments by petitioning and then being put on a ballot
Electoral College
A group of people who are selected by each state legislature to vote for the President and Vice President
The agreement or cooperation of two political parties. Support of two parties
A Voting District
Absentee Ballot
Ballots for people who know they will not be able to make it the day of elections
The Ballots and Results at the end of the election and taken to the election board
Push Polls
Polls where the questions are worded to influence a person’s response
Primary Elections
The election before the main election. The election that narrows down the field of candidates and the political parties vote for who they want to run for the main elections
Favors and jobs given as a cause for campaigning, supporting and voting for a specific candidate.
Believes that government action is to achieve equal opportunities for everyone. Protect civil liberties and rights
Personal responsibility, limited government. Focus on economy and everything else will fix itself
Left Wing
The Liberal side of the political spectrum
Right Wing
The Conservative Side of the Political Spectrum
Shares the views of liberal and conservative. The middle of the political spectrum
Political Spectrum
a line that shows where conservative, liberal and moderates stand.
When voters can remove an elected official through a direct vote before their term is over.