Volume 1. Intro to 4N051 Flashcards
The AF and Medical Service Doctrine applies to who?
AD, Reserve, guard and civilians
What does, doctrine is authoritative but not directive in nature mean
It gives guidance, they can still do what they want
How does the AF Doctrine aid AFMS commanders in accomplishing the mission?
Provides guidance for the commander to use AF assets
Type of doctrine that guides organizations and employment of forces within distinct objectives, is broad and functional?
Candy Apple red automobile doctrine
What operational doctrines focuses on maintaining health and fitness?
Integrating prevention orientated health fitness and medical intervention
What are the foundation doctrine statements?
Basic principles that help create AFDD, AFMS, force health protection/competency
Concept that is critical to having a goal of a healthy, fit force?
airman as a human weapon system
What constitutes as competency for AFMS
Knowledge, medical expertise and technological know how
Neurology tech
SEI 453
SEI 454
SEI 455
Spec ops command medic
SEI 474
SEI 486
SEI 487
Critical care
SEI 490
SEI 494
Completed upgrade training, does great deal of pt care
Leading medical service personnel
Chief Master Sgt. Operational and strategic levels of leadership
4NO51. Identify parts of this AFSC
4- career grouping N- career field family 0- career field subdivision 5- skill level 1- enlisted speciality
Primary AF specialty code, denote specialty of individual
PAFSC- highest skill level, DAFSC denote specialty of individual
Where would you document specific duty position training is not listed in the STS?
797 job qualified standard continuation
What is the master training plan designed to do?
Training goals, milestones,
Obtain next skill level
Difference between career knowledge and job proficiency training
Career knowledge- task how to and why. Job proficiency - hands on
Who are they for people important to developing your future?
UTM, manager, trainer, certifier, supervisor
Who is responsible for ordering your CDC’s and keeping track
How is sustainment training accomplished
Qualification, formal training, in service
Three basic qualifications to maintain 4N051 status?
EMT, readiness and QTP
How many subspecialities are in the 4n051 career field
What is job inventory used for?
Career field manager, distribution of training, work shops, phase 2, upgrade
What is GAS?
Survey completes about you
How is the documentation for 4N051 maintained?
6 part folder
What section is the CFEPT placed?
2 pt B
What is used to document special tasks
1098 special task cerficictate
Where is AETC form 156, student training report placed and when May it be removed?
Part 4 section B
What does MEPRS stand for?
Medical Expense and performing reporting system
What is the MEPRS used for?
View overall operation, manage manpower, budget and resources
What is the techs role in completing the MEPRS information?
Provide accurate and timely information
What is manpower authorization?
Assigned personnel MTF commander and identifies as necessary to accomplish the mission
What is the purpose of an UMD
Unit manning documnent
Who is responsible for the management of public property under the USAF
Qualified personnel selected
Who is responsible for material accountability
Who provides the recommendation to the hospital for the property custodian
Clinic/Unit leadership
What is the process of documenting the supply custodian
In writing 1 memo and 1 to supply custodian
What actions are property custodians authorized to perform with the medical material in their particular account
If property custodian finds materials are missing
They should notify memo personnel
What is MEMO
Medical equipment management office
What will occur if property custodian is absent from account for over 46 days?
Transfers to someone else
What are the supervisors responsibility regarding material material
Train/ensure discipline
What percent of equip malfunctions are due to user error?
How often should a property custodian follow up on back order items
30 days
If an item listed on the back order is no longer needed what should the custodian do?
Inform medical logistics
What form shows all property charged to the clinic?
What must occur before a Jew custodian signs for all the property in an account?
What documents should be generated when an item is added or removed
AF 601 and CAL
When can a completed 601 be destroyed
When item shows up
How often do you have to do inventory?
How often should you inspect equipment
Who is responsible for faulty electrical cords
What are 3 steps to correct equip problems
Inspect, remove, report
Respect for others
Moral principles
General philosophy
Moral rules
Do no harm
Do good
Faithful to do good
Telling truth
What does the STS permit
What we can/can’t do
How can a pt help with quality improvement
Their responsibilities
What does a mtf need regarding chaperons
Local policy
What should you avoid when discussing death with small
Minimizing the event
Stages of greif
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression acceptance
What are medical records protected by?
Privacy act 1947, HIPPA
What acts must military members comply with
AFI 14-210
US code 55a
What form allows single document for medical/dental records
DD form 2005/2100A privacy act statement
Military action for noncompliance with HIPPA
Nonjudicial/court martial
Civilian actions for DOD non compliance
Up to 10 years 250 with intent to sell info, 5 yrs 100G, obtaining protected info, 1yr 50G obtaining info
What is negligence
Unintentional wrong
Power of attorney
Someone else makes decisions
Stages of helping relationship
Preinteractive, interactive, working, termination
What does pt advocate do
Solves problems at lowest level
What PCM a team is known as the info expert
Health services management tech
How to verify eligibility
What does AHLTA support
Force health population, pop health, MHS
What does DEERS function as
Overall strategy of PPP health
Manage health of a population
4 sections in ICD 9
Coding guidelines, disease index, tabular list, appendix