Volume 1 Flashcards
All official written communications transmitted to members will be limited to and classified as one of the following:
Rules and Regulations Manual of Operation Reference Material Special Orders Special Notices Official Notices Unofficial Notices Departmental Bulletins Reports and Records
allows for the dissemination of important information to all work locations.
Lafd intranet
The “LAFD Intranet” icon has been placed on _______ of all work locations. Additionally, all members may access the LAFD Intranet remotely from anywhere in the world with internet access by going to __________
Pc desktops
Members from the ____ _______ bureau, ________ _______ Section and the ______ Section will maintain information posted to the Intranet and placed in the Library.
administrative services bureau,
Management information section
Planning section
Occasionally, material from third-party sources may be incorporated into the official library in _______ format. Hard copy material shall not be removed from work locations without _______
Hard copy
Supervisors approval
Responsible officers and supervisors shall cause hard copy books and pamphlets to be kept up to date and available for use of members in the
Work location
________ publications, additions or amendments to the library will be issued. This material will be entered into the official library on the Intranet and accompanied by a ______ _____ announcing the availability of the new material.
Special notice
RULES & REGULATIONS Set forth the rules and regulations governing members of the LAFD as established by the
Board of fire commissioners
Sets forth the policies and procedures of the Department as directed by the Fire Chief
Manual of operations
published by the LAFD and other agencies is intended to explain the “why” of procedures established in the Manual of Operation. Recommended good practice relating to specific duties may be included as well as technical and general interest material.
Reference material
What reference material is carried on apparatus
EMS Field Manual
CNG Field Service Guide
Metro Rail Inventory System Manual
Field Operations Book
Lost library material shall be reported as stated in 8/3-64.01, but officers are not to expect any replacement of those items listed under
NFPA periodicals
Recognized organizations will be provided with a copy of the
Board of Rights Manual.
directive issued by the Fire Chief for the administration of Department affairs.
Special order
Special Orders may contain _____, ______ or ______, or they may be the initial distribution of material to be included in the Manual of Operation.
Policy, directives, or procedures
All special orders will be distributed via the _______ via Special Notice and posted to the Library in the __________, Volume 1.
Manual of operations
_______ these orders will be generated and updated by the______ _______
Planning section
provide a format for the distribution of information to all members of the Department.
All notices shall be classified into one of three types:
Special notice
Official notice
Unofficial notice
The information contained in attachments to ______ _____ MAY form the basis for promotional exam test questions, once that information has been included in the Library.
Special notice (only kind of notice)
issued by the Administrative Office to announce the addition, modification or deletion of material in the Library.
Special notice
Special Notices are retained on the Intranet _______ and provide a historical journal of changes to the Library.
issued by an authoritative Department source for the guidance and instruction of members.
Official notice
Official Notices normally require the approval of the respective _______ office to be posted to the LAFD Intranet.
Official Notices shall be retained until ______ ___ _____, at which point they may be removed from view on the Intranet.
usefulness has passed
notices of events, classes or activities that are open to all members. Such events are not officially sanctioned by the Department, even though the Department may choose to provide resources to support the event, if the event provides direct support to the Department or our members.
unofficial notices
Unofficial Notices shall not be posted more than ______ days prior to the date of the event.
Unofficial Notices shall be posted to the Intranet for a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days or until ____ after the event occurs, whichever occurs first.
the day
Unofficial Notices will be removed from view at the end of the posting period and may not be _______
Unofficial Notices shall be posted in text format only. Attachments, if any, shall also be in text format only. _______, _____, _______, etc. shall not be included in an Unofficial Notice or attachment to an Unofficial Notice.
cartoons , drawings, and pictures
contain items of temporary usefulness. They are informative in nature and may be used to give some background to manual changes and orders.
how many bulletins are there and what are they
Administrative Bulletin
Departmental bulletin
safety bulletin
training bulletin
A bulletin issued to all members by the Administrative Office.
ADMINISTRATIVE BULLETIN shall be retained until
A bulletin which may originate from any Bureau but is routed through and approved by the Emergency Operations and Administrative Operations Office.
Departmental Bulletins shall be retained until
A bulletin to all members setting forth recommended safe practices pertaining to various subjects
SAFETY BULLETIN is Filed in ______Accident Prevention and Safety Manual. Retain until ____
Book 75
A bulletin to all members issued by the In-Service Training Section.
Training bulletin
Training bulletin Retain until
All reports and records are _______. Each time a report or record is required, members should assume that a special procedure is involved and refer to the “Reports and Records” Category, 9/0-00.00 for detailed instruction and guidance pertinent to the report or record.
is the official daily record of the Los Angeles Fire Department.
Still alarms received while in quarters shall be reported to Metro using the
business phone or radio
Do not use the ____ ____ to report still alarms. Use the Centrex emergency number (213) 847-5340
Fire phone
If unit reporting the still alarm is on the radio, Press___
If nothing is showing or additional information is received, the remainder of the assignment shall continue nonemergency unless requested otherwise by the on-scene officer. This radio message shall be directed through Metro. The _____ _____ responding has the discretion to continue the response in the mode as directed.
Chief officer
Road Positioning: When responding to an emergency, apparatus should be driven with the flow of traffic in
Lane 1
Travel against oncoming traffic: Apparatus traveling emergency should avoid travelling against
on-coming traffic.
If there is no reasonable way to proceed with the flow of traffic, travel against on-coming traffic is acceptable with _____ _______ of opposing traffic by the driver and at a ______ speed.
Direct vision
Reduced speed
If a vehicle slows/stops in the path of an emergency vehicle, passing on the right is acceptable when it has been reasonably established that the civilian traffic ___ ___ or _____ safely/properly yield the right-of-way.
Will not or cannot
Passing on the right shall be used as a ____ ______ when passing on the left is unsafe or not possible due to traffic congestion, road construction or any other roadway hazard(s).
Last resort
Passing on the right shall be done with extreme caution, at a significantly reduced speed, covering the ___ ____and/or using the _____brake when applicable.
Brake pedal
Engine brake
Roadway/Highway center median obstructions: drivers/operators should consider _____ _____ all warning devices until the Intersection is clear or the traffic light turns green.
Shutting down
The ____ _____ should determine the safety and risk of moving a motorist into the Intersection and advise the driver/operator whether or not to continue operating in emergency mode.
Company officer
The first apparatus of the convoy shall ____ at all red lights and stop signs. The remaining apparatus shall _____ _____ and proceed through the intersection with caution and only when safe to proceed.
Exception: At intersections controlled by a ____ _____
Slow down
Traffic officer
Excessive speed to catch up to an apparatus is strictly
Single-unit companies (i.e., rescue ambulances, engine companies, Chief Officer vehicles, etc.) shall ____ at all red lights and stop signs.
No parking, both sides of street or Fire Lane. _____
Where parking is allowed on only one side of a required fire lane, parking shall be on the same side of the roadway as the hydrants._____
No restrictions unless there is a need to paint curbs red on sharp turns or at intersections.
Less than 20’
20-28 feet
Over 28ft
If restricted parking is needed, responsible Station Commanders shall submit, through channels, to the _____ _____ _____ a written report with recommendations.
Emergency services bureau
Fire apparatus shall be operated as emergency vehicles only when all warning devices (sirens and red lights) are ____ _____
Operated continuously
Particular care should be given to operating the siren on a ______ ______
Fluctuating sound
All emergency vehicles are equipped with electronic sirens. The “____” position is the position of choice.
Members in command of apparatus turned back by radio while responding to an alarm, shall make the transition from emergency to non-emergency operation in an _____ ______
Inconspicuous manner
When responding to emergencies, no apparatus, with the exception of _____’ apparatus, shall overtake and pass another unless the apparatus being passed is:
- _____ or _____, or
- Moving at a reduced speed due to _____ or type of _____; or
- Giving way in order to alter the response sequence so as to obtain ______ ______ and apparatus placement at the emergency.
Disabled or delayed
Terrain or type of apparatus
Optimum approach
The following shall be used to determine first alarm assignments to a structure:
Not less than four fire companies, including not less than one truck (e.g., 3 Engines + 1 Light Force + 1BC + 1Paramedic Rescue + 1 800 Series Rescue* + 1 Squad**).
Category A Assignment:
800 Series RA if available in____ ____ ______-
Special Squad processing will apply.
First in district
Category A assignment:
1. Required fire flow: less than ____ GPM; and
2. All occupancies not included in Category _ or _.
B or C
CATEGORY B assignment
Not less than ___ fire companies, including not less than ___ trucks (e.g., 4 Engines + 2 Light Force + 1BC + 1Paramedic Rescue +1 EMS Captain + 1 800 Series Rescue* + 1 Squad**).
Category B:
1. Required fire flow: ____ GPM and above.
2. Dwellings, apartments, and hotel occupancies ___ or more stories in height.
3. All commercial and/or industrial properties that exceed:
a. More than ____ sq. ft. under one roof, on ____ floors.
b. More than _____ sq. ft. under one roof on ____ floor.
4. All Fire Prevention Bureau occupancies in the Public Safety Section:
a. Schools, special schools, day nurseries ___ or more stories;
b. Sanatoriums, homes for aged, hospitals, public assemblages, and churches except B-2 occupancies under ____feet.
5. All assemblage occupancies on _____ floor or above.
4500 gpm or more
4 or more stories
2 floors
One floor
Two or more stories
Under 100 feet
Second floor or above
CATEGORY C: Not less than ____ fire companies, including not less than ____ engine companies and ___ _____.
This is a category of _____ assignments that the computer recognizes, i.e., Brush, Harbor, Airport, etc.
Four fire companies
Three engines
One truck
Required fire flow: The standard used to estimate the number of companies needed to extinguish a fully involved structure fire is ___ GPM per line and two lines (____ GPM) per company
The following fire department resources will be dispatched on all “Fire Department Needs Help” Calls:
1 BC
_____ has the authority to split engine companies as the need arises.
Task Force/Light Force
Full staff
10 personnel
Task force/light force:
__personnel - 200 Series engine closed. ____ and ____ ____ notified. If duration is more than ___ hours, _____ notified. With 8 personnel run as a light force or 2 ______. Both engines may be staffed and truck removed from service with ____ approval.
8 personnel
Metro and battalion chief
2 hours
___ personnel - close engine. ____ and _____ ____ notified. If duration is more than __ hours, notify _____. Run as a ____ ____ with truck and 200 Series Engine.
7-6 personnel Metro and battalion chief 2 hours Division Light force
5 personnel - run either as a ____ ____ or _____. ____, ______ _____ and _______ notified. (200 Series Engine may run with engine as a 2-piece company.) Same notification as 8 and 7-6 staffing
Light force or engine
Metro battalion chief and division
____ personnel - run engine only. Metro, Battalion Chief, and Division notified.
4 personnel
The LAFD minimum staffing is ___ members on a truck (a pump operator shall not be counted as one of the 5) and ___ members on an engine.
5 members on the truck
4 members on the engine
4 personnel - may run with engine, or light force to provide staffing.
Hazardous Materials Company
A BLS or paramedic ambulance will not be closed to staff fire apparatus without first obtaining the approval of the concerned _____ _______
Division commander
describes a state of preparedness necessary to cope with civil disturbances or natural/man-made disasters.
“Tactical Alert”
Activation of the ____ is the most appropriate means of interfacing with other City Departments which may have responsibility during civil unrest.
EOC (emergency operations center)
The Fire Department will request EOC activation through the Mayor’s Office or the Chief of Police, as requested by the _____ ______ ______ and confirmed by the _____ _____.
Deputy department commander
Fire chief
For all structure fires the mode of operation shall be declared:
Investigative Mode
Offensive Mode
Defensive Mode
Hazardous material spills on freeways are under the jurisdiction of the
California Highway Patrol
Metro will dispatch the _______ _______ ______ to all Greater Alarm Incidents. If the Administrative Division Commander is unavailable, the nearest available ______ Commander will be dispatched.
Administrative division commander
Division commander
Members assigned as drivers of Chiefs’ vehicles shall be designated as Chiefs’ _____ _____ _____
Emergency Incident Technician.
The Deputy Department Commander shall be a ____ ____ or _____ ______, as designated by the _____ _____.
Chief deputy or deputy chief
Fire chief
During normal business hours and when readily available, the Deputy Department Commander shall be the Deputy Chief in charge of the
Emergency services bureau
The Official Safety Policy of the Department is contained in
Book 75
The term “______ _____” shall be used to clear radio traffic when a Firefighter Emergency exists during emergency operations.
Emergency traffic
Clear text shall be used to identify the type of emergency
Firefighter down
Firefighter missing
Firefighter trapped
When an incident becomes a greater alarm(greater than __ companies) the following will be added to the assignment and designated as RIC, at the discretion of the IC:
_____ ____ as RIC (in place of extra engine company)
___ ______ ____
An additional tactical rescue channel as Rescue Channel for ____ _____
Usar group
Ems battalion commander
Rescue group
Members using aerial ladders or aerial platforms shall be guided by the advice of the ______ in command of the company, or a certified ______ of the apparatus, regarding safe operations.
Officer in command
Certified operator
L.T.I. and American LaFrance Apparatus using the Akron 1495 Ladder Pipe Assembly:
A: 1000 gpm- using 2’’ straight tip or Akron brass turbo master spray nozzle (350-1000 gpm)
B: 1 3/4 straight tip (800 gpm) shall be carried attached but may be changed at he scene of the emergencies depending on primary use of the stream
All Other Truck Apparatus (Seagrave Aerial Ladder Trucks) using the Akron 1495 Ladder Pipe Assembly:
A. ____ G.P.M. using the 1-1/2” or ____” straight tip or the ___ G.P.M. setting on the spray nozzle.
B. Either ____” or ____” Straight Tip - shall be carried attached but may be changed at the scene of emergencies depending on the primary use of the heavy stream.
1 3/4
1 1/2 or1 3/4
Members are prohibited from using the _” tip or flowing ____G.P.M. on Seagrave aerial ladder trucks.
2’’ tip
1000 gpm
_______ _______shall have the option to equip wagon batteries with one of the following tips:
A. ____ inch Smooth Bore Tip, or
B. ____ G.P.M. (or larger) Fog Hog, Variable Spray Tip, or
C. ___ inch Smooth Bore Tip for companies regularly responding into grass areas during the grass season.
Company commanders
1 1/2
500 gpm
Fire apparatus shall not be driven over hose lines, except in cases of _____ ______.
Absolute necessity
Prior to backfiring, approval shall be obtained from the ______ _______.
Incident commander
_____ shall not be attempted unless all exposed structures are protected or considered as risks