Voltaire Scholars Flashcards
Denis Dideront - Encyclopédie
L’éclectique est un philosophe qui foulant aux pieds le préjugé, le consentement universel et l’autorité
Influence of John Lockes Tabula Rasa
Voltaire - n’ayant rien appris dans son enfance, il n’avait point appris de préjugés
Marquis de Condorcet - Esquisse d’un tableau historique de l’esprit humain
the growth of knowledge led to an increased faith in human progress
La nature n’a marqué aucun terme au perfectionnement des facultés humaines
Voltaire on Descartes
“le malheur de Descartes fut de n’avoir pas, dans son voyage d’Italie consultée Galilée, qui calculait, pesait, mesurait…”
Immanuel Kant on the Enlightenment
“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed nonage”
Immanuel Kant ‘motto of the enlightenment’
“have the courage to use your own mind”
Joseph de Maistre(1753-1821)
«Admirer Voltaire est le signe infaillible d’une âme corrompue.»
Isaiah Berlin
Voltaire is ‘the central figure of the enlightenment”
John Gray
‘Voltaire’s writings on philosophical questions are unoriginal to the last degree’
Voltaire on deism
‘Je serai toujours persuade´, qu’une horloge prouve un horloger et que l’univers prouve un Dieu’
Voltaire on the English view of religion
‘Un Anglais comme homme libre, va au Ciel par le chemin qui lui plait’
definition of an enlightenment philosophe.
those philosophers who, through their writings helped popularise the Enlightenment values of reason, empiricism, toleration and humanity.
Annelie Fitzgerald
Voltaire’s satirical humour functions as a social corrective
Carol Sherman
Satiric genres usually leave us with nothing. That might suffice to account for the various absences that one feels in Zadig”
Victor Thaddeus
Voltaire is a “Genius of mockery”
English Showalter
“Micromégas is a comic fantasy based on the idea of proportion and disproportion, as the title suggests by the juxtaposition of the Greek terms for small and large”
Carol Sherman - Tabula Rasa
“book and mind are blank; on them experience will write, constructing its truths. The book of the world shall be read in nature”