Vol 6 Unit 3 Flashcards
How do the commander’s priorities affect Public Affairs activities?
Your role as a Public Affairs professional is to help communicate the commander’s messages to a targeted audience to achieve specific and measurable results.
Explain what is meant by a “derived” priority.
A derived priority is one that comes from another source.
What is the difference between local and general priorities?
Local priorities are priorities created or generated by a commander for the local installation. General
priorities are things that are generally considered important everywhere you go.
What is meant by specific priorities?
A specific priority is a specific issue the commander wants to address.
How should PA professionals determine what level of importance to assign to specific PA priorities?
PA priorities should have the same level of importance as the priorities of the commander. PA activities
should be aligned to support the needs and priorities of the commander.
What is the role of Public Affairs as it applies to fixing problems and the commander’s priorities?
Many times, something will get placed on the list of commander priorities because there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Public Affairs should employ its resources to helping the commander fix the problem.
What is the difference between true objectives and stated objectives?
A person may state that a particular activity or goal is what they want to achieve; but the true goal may be
something entirely different.
How can a Public Affairs professional determine the true objectives?
Ask a lot of “why”questions.
Why is it important for Public Affairs to know when to say “no”?
Public Affairs resources are limited and there will always be more demands placed upon these resources than what a Public Affairs shop can handle. All activities should be aligned with the commander’s objectives and if a request comes in that is not high on that list of priorities; it should probably not be done.
What is meant by “target audience”?
When you hear the term “target audience”, it refers to a specific group of people with whom you are trying to communicate a message.
How many target audiences exists?
Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of target audiences possible.
Why are key leaders considered an important target audience?
Key leaders are the people who have the ability to make decisions or strongly influence those who do make decisions.
What is the difference between the internal and external audiences?
The internal audience can be thought of as those within the confines of the base. They could be Active Duty, Guard, Reserves, family members, civilian employees, etc… External audiences would be everyone else.
What is the difference between choir and non-choir audiences?
Choir audiences are those who directly support the DOD or have some type of close associations with the DOD or its members. Non-choir audiences are groups who do not meet the definition of choir audiences.
Why should Public Affairs consider religious organizations as a distinct form of target audience?
Because, you may at times have to communicate a message to this specific group; and at the very least, you
should be aware of the concerns and needs of such groups.
What are some methods that can be used to find local target audiences?
Methods used to find target audiences are only limited by your creativity. A person could find a list of various groups by consulting with a local telephone directory or chamber of commerce.
What is the purpose behind all Public Affairs communications efforts?
All of the Public Affairs communication efforts should be done to achieve specific and measurable results with the members of the target audience. This principle is known as communicating for effect.
What is meant by the term “end state” as it relates to message development?
The end state, or actual objective, is what specific objective that you are trying to achieve with your communications efforts.
How can working backwards assist in message development?
Working backwards can help you remain focused on the actual objective rather than the specific tools used to get there.
How can Public Affairs determine which message and what delivery methods will result in successful communications?
Research. You must research your target audiences and understand their needs and preferences for communication.