Vogue - Audiences - Component 2 Flashcards
What is vogue?
Vogue is a high-end women’s fashion magazine
Who is the primary target audience?
- The primary target audience for vogue is middle class women who have the disposable income to spend on luxury goods
How might vogue profile their audience?
Vogue might profile their target audience through:
Gender - Female
Age - Middle aged
Education - Degree Level
Political View - Right wing
Hobbies - Fashion
What is the income/status model?
The income/status model is a framework that determines the target audience of a magazine
It tells the potential advertisers everything they need to know about who will see their adverts
Who is vogue’s primary target audience from using this model?
From using this model, vogues primary target audience would be
A - Upper Middle Class individuals as they will have the disposable income to spend on luxury goods
Why is being aware of your target audience essential for a media institution?
Being aware of your target audience is essential for a media institution,
So you can tailor your product to meet their needs and also target specific audiences.
Why is advertising important to the magazine industry?
- Advertising is important because it’s the highest and most lucrative revenue stream the magazine industry generates
- Fashion magazines make sure there is a high volume of advertising in the magazine to make sure revenue is consistent
- Advertising is also made to reflect the magazine’s brand identity and philosophy
- Also attract the intended target audience.
Who is responsible for surveying the readership and circulation of magazines?
The national readership survey NRS and the audit bureau of circulation ABC
They are in charge of surveying readership and circulation
How do you think the NRS categories audiences?
- The NRS categorize audiences using demographic variables such as age, sex, ethnicity and marital status
- As well as socio-economic status social grade
- This is an approach used to monitor audience behaviour and consumer activity
Which social grade would readers of vogue fit into?
- Vogue carries an agenda which promotes expensive brands,
- Meaning that it mainly targets people from a highly managerial professional jobs (A/B)
- This is due to the audience having higher disposable income
- This is logical due to the high end, sophisticated, glamorous and expensive philosophy of vogue
Overview of the psychographic profile system?
The psychographic profile system is a system which categorizes individuals in to 4 groups
These groups are based on their tastes, interest and lifestyles
Study vogue’s front cover and consider how the article targets the tastes, interests and lifestyle of aspirer?
We can argue that vogues front cover targets someone who is an aspirer
As the main theme of the heatwave article is for the new liberated women to experience culture through the means of travel
Travelling to exotic locations was now considered a new experience, offering a whole new realm of indulgence
Overview of cultivation theory by George Gerbner?
Gerbeners theory suggests that regular explores to repeated patterns over a long period of time
Can shape and influence the way that people perceive the world around them.
Evaluate whether Gerbners cultivation theory is relevant to vogue?
We can argue that gerbners cultivation theory is relevant because:
- Women’s fashion magazines tend to be read on a regular basis, which would seem to lend themselves particularly well to Gerbners theory
- Also, vogue consistently attempts to influence gender norms and what women should strive for in terms of feminity.
- This is shown in the Revlon advert - “create all the eye illusions you need, enforcing that the target audience must follow the philosophy to fully embrace the ideal of the definition of beauty.
Overview of reception theory by Stuart hall?
Suart halls reception theory is:
- The idea that communication is a process involving encoding by producers
- And decoding by the audinces
Why is the target audience for vogue likely to take a preferred reading?
The target audience for vogue is likely to take a preferred reading because:
- The main ideologies of the vogue text are that appearance is important and female empowerment
- These ideologies are what the encoders (producers) encourage the decoders (audience to adopt whe interpreting magazine contents
- When the decoder buys into the philosophy of vogue, they are interpreting what the encoder intended
- Resulting in a preferred reading.
What particular information or advices does the magazine offer its readers?
This information that it provides/ advices to its readers is:
- Providing valuable information on latest fashion trends and style tutorials
- The main focus of the magazine is to inform audiences on how to look, self-improve and what they should be striving for
- The magazine also gives audiences valuable information in terms of best clothing ranges and beauty products