Life On Mars - Industry - Component 2 Flashcards
Who produced life on mars?
- Life on mars was produced by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) in 2006 who have been notoriously known and have a strong reputation for making popular TV crime dramas
- Such as doctor who and peaky blinders
What is life on mars?
- Life on mars is a hybrid tv Sci-Fi/crime drama produced in 2006, but set in the 1970s.
The show tells the fictional story of sam tyler (played by john simm) serving within the greater Manchester police as a DCI (detective chief inspector) - After being struck by a car in 2006, Tyler wakes up to find himself in the year of 1973, and finds himself working for a predecessor of the GMP - the Manchester and Salford police force, at the same station and location as in 2006.
- Early on in the series Tyler eventually becomes aware and realises that he is now became a detective inspector which is one rank lower than his previous rank in 2006 as a DCI
He then finds himself working under DCI gene hunt as part of a criminal investigation
What is the difference between a publicly owned and a privately owned organisation?
- When the asset, corporation, or industry is owned by a private individual or group
- When the asset, corporation, or industry is owned by the government
What is the BBC’s mission?
- The BBC’s mission is to to inform,educateand entertain.
How does life on mars address all three mission objectives?
- Life on Mars informs the audience by raising awareness of alternative British values during the 1970s.
- The role of gender, the state of the police service and the nature of crime during this era all serve to inform the spectator.
- The audience are encouraged to explore inspiring and challenging new subjects via the content of the narrative and genre conventions.
- Life on Mars provides the public with innovative content that spans multiple genres. Therefore attempting to entertain its audience
Overview of vertical integration and the role of BBC worldwide?
- The BBC is a vertically integrated organization as it has its own in house production unit
- The BBC is also a commercial subsidiary, responsible for distributing its products and services around the world
What is the advantage of facilitating international co-production deals?
- Benefit is the size of the target audience, which in the case of successful co-productions multiplies viewer ratings and revenue.
- During production, the production costs are shared.
- Pays off to plan well in terms of which country is assigned which part of the production.
- Some companies tend to focus more on creativity, while others are more capable of providing post-production.
Overview of regulation and Ofcom?
- Regulation is the process whereby a media text/ organization is observed by another body to ensure that they are following the rules and guidlines
- Ofcom currently regulated the UkK television industry, and ofcoms main duty is to “further the interest of citizens and consumers”
To to this they
- Ensure that television services are provided by a range of different organizations
- Ensure that a wide range of high quality programmers are provided which appeal to a range of tastes and interests
- Protect viewers from offensive or harmful material
- Protect viewers from unfair treatment an ensure that their privacy is not invaded
What is the watershed?
- The time when it becomes permissible to show
programmes that are unsuitable for younger audiences. - In the UK, the watershed is at 9pm.
How does life on mars embrace watershed principles?
- Themes of violence, kidnap, murder etc. are unsuitable
for younger audiences. - These themes are typical of the crime drama genre, which is
mainly suitable for adults.
Why might it be argued that the watershed is less relevant now than it was in the past?
- The introduction of streaming and catch-up now enables
watershed content to be available 24/7. - Watershed content is shared online (social media), resulting
in a viral exposure to familiar and unfamiliar audiences.
Overview of marketing of life on mars?
There are a number of different ways strategies and technologies that media organizations can employ to market their products for example
- Poster, trailer, tv magazine, billboards, tv shows, stunts, radio interviews
Why was the teaser trailer for the advert effective?
- The puppets and non-diegetic voiceover was
an intertextual reference to
the 1970’s children programme
Camberwick Green. - The advert exploited
conventions of comedy as well
as encouraging audiences to
feel a sense of nostalgia. - The teaser advert achieved
over 3 million views online
Why was the “Rules of modern policing” handbook an effective use of marketing?
- The handbook became a national hit on what was a
very un-pc police handbook. - The book became a Christmas best seller selling
over 120,000 copies in 2006.
What was unique about the use of the BBC ident (logo)?
- Original use of the BBC logo was a blatant
throwback to the ident used during the 1970’s. - Audiences who were able to recognize the logo
would likely feel a sense of nostalgia. - The retro style poster became so popular in bus
stops, that they were ultimately stolen and began
to appear on eBay for extortionate prices.
Overview of cultural industries by David Hesmondhalgh
- David Hesmondhalgh theory is that cultural industry companies try to minimize risk and maximize audiences through vertical and horizontal integration
What type of audience would each technique target?
Sold on a star, Sold on a character and Sold on a genre with a twist
Sold On A Star:
- The star power is firstly measured
by the serial being a BBC
production (Mark of Quality). - John Simm (Tyler) is reputable
from performances for The Bill,
Heartbeat and Spaced. - Not necessarily a ‘star’ but
Sold on a Character:
- The edgy and deranged persona of Hunt was
admired by audiences as the character’s
values and ideologies were outdated. - His passion and vision for masculinity was one
of comedy as from a contemporary
perspective would be a vision that is no
longer deemed appropriate to society.
Sold On A Genre With A Twist:
- The crime drama genre is one that is nostalgic and certainly
popular, with an exhaustive list of both British and American
television productions. - Life on Mars offers the audience a narrative with the time travel.
- Crime drama in some regard is repetitive but LOM concept
of time travel, - Provides the audience with a ‘unique’ and
‘unconventional’ experience
What type of audience would each technique target?
Sold on intertextuality, Enigmas, BBC Quality
Sold on Intertextuality:
- The nostalgia of the 1970’s adheres
to numerous intertextual references. - This ranges from music, fashion,
cars, society, law, technology etc. - Nostalgic and reflective for
audiences who can relate and reexperience the 70’s - informative and entertaining for
younger audiences.
- Became a mantra in the 2000’s as audiences
tuned in to discover. - Resolution came at the end of the
second series but still left several
threads dangling. - The audience still never discovered
where he really was.
BBC Quality:
- BBC has a vested
interest in creating ‘quality’
TV drama (crime in
particular) - Such as luther and sherlock
- The resume of these TV
shows are all award winning
and highly regarded by
What type of audience would each technique target?
Brand Image
- LOM created a brand of period TV which transcended the crime drama genre
- hybridizing it and establishing other shows to follow the unique formula.
- The sequel Ashes to Ashes was an example of this