vocabularyU2Z Flashcards
Information that anyone can get to and that is largely available on Web sites or to the media.
A law enacted by the U.S. government in direct response to the 9/11 terrorist attack. This law broadened the authority of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to conduct electronic monitoring. Monitoring permissions are now granted per person instead of per circuit.
User Mode
The basic operating mode when executing user programs. In this mode only a subset of the full instruction set is available, and the CPU provides protection from faulty or malicious code.
The unshielded twisted pair is a twisted pair in which each pair is insulated, then each pair is twisted into a package which is again insulated.
Virtual Memory
A memory address space that exceeds the available physical memory. Virtual memory is implemented by using secondary storage.
Virtual Memory
The concept that allows programs to address memory spaces larger than physical memory.
An intrusive program that intentionally or unintentionally inserts copies of itself into other computer files. The virus infects additional files because the copies are executed when the file loads into memory.
Virus Writer
A very talented programmer who writes code to exploit a vulnerability.
Volatile Memory
Memory whose contents are lost when the power is cut to the system, such as RAM.
A virtual private network is a network created by using public wires to connect computers and other nodes.
Any weakness in a system or organization that could allow a threat to be realized.
Wide area network is a data network that covers a broad geographic area.
War Dialer
A computer program built to seek modems by dialing continuous phone numbers. War Dialers are built to find vulnerable computer systems.
Warm Site
A data center alternative facility with utilities, basic computer hardware, and possibly OS and software. It is more expensive than a cold site, but takes only about 12 hours to become fully functional.
A technology type that provides networking without the use of physical wires. It allows connection through transmission or radio frequency medium.
Similar to a virus, except a worm is a standalone program enabling it to exist without a host.
Exclusive OR is a binary math operator used in cryptography. XOR states that one of the input values is a one, but not the other.