vocabularyS Flashcards
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions is an application layer secure e-mail protocol that uses an encryption system.
Sensitive but Unclassified is information that has some controls built into it. It is available on a need-to-know basis, but is not classified to the degree that a security clearance is needed to access it.
Scalar Processor
A type of processor that handles linear executions one instruction at a time. Pipelining may be invoked in this type of processor.
Screened Host
A firewall architecture in which a packet filtering router is placed between the trusted and untrusted networks and a bastion host is placed between the packet filtering router and the trusted network.
Screened Subnet
A firewall architecture configuration in which a small subnet is attached to the bastion host creating a DMZ that is perfect for a Web server.
Script Kiddie
An amateur cracker with few real skills that uses virus-generation software to create virus code.
Synchronous Data Link Control is a data transmission protocol developed in the 1970s by IBM to ease connections to mainframe computers.
Secondary Memory
Nonvolatile memory such as hard disks, floppy disks, USB drives, memory sticks, and memory drives. Secondary memory is used to copy data when the machine will be turned off.
Secret Information
Information that is intended for managers of government organizations. Requires an elevated security clearance and requirement to know of the information in order to perform a task or duties.
Security Kernel
A collection of components that work together to provide the reference monitors functions.
Security Label
A concept that assigns a classification level to objects.
Security Policy
A policy that represents the management and organizations position on security. It dictates the organizations strategy and attitude towards general and specific security issues.
A type of physical access control that detects movement, then activates an alarm. Some types of sensors may be infrared motion detectors and gas detectors.
Separation of Privilege
A security control architecture where a single user is never allowed to complete a sensitive task. This type of architecture requires two or more authorized users to complete a task.
Sequential Access
The act of accessing memory in a sequential order.
The computer that runs administrative software and controls access to the network and other resources.
Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment is an authentication service for use in Europe. SESAME uses public key cryptography to distribute secret keys and a Privilege Attribute Certificate mechanism which contains key information and the necessary authentication packet to pass authentication.
Session Hijacking
An attack in which the attacker intercepts the credentials of a valid session. The attacker then acts as though he/she is a valid user.
Session Layer
The layer of the ISO/OSI reference model that manages sessions and synchronizes data flow. The session layer logically connects to the other machine, maintaining session information to create a flow of messages back and forth.
SET Protocol
Secure Electronics Transactions protocol is an application layer protocol developed by Visa and MasterCard to authenticate the sender and the receiver. It uses digital certificates and signatures to provide data confidentiality and integrity.
Secure Hash Algorithm is a hashing algorithm developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in which the input can be any size and it generates a 160-bit digest.
Shoulder Surfing
An observation technique in which information is obtained by looking over someones shoulder.
Simulated Test
A type of test in which the DRP team evaluates specific scenarios and partially tests the plan by simulating as much of a disaster as is feasible.
Single State
An operating state in which the system is capable of handling information only one security level at a time.
Simple Key Management for Internet Protocols is a transport layer security protocol that provides high availability using encryption.
A symmetric cryptographic algorithm standard that operates on 64-bit blocks and uses an 80-bit key.
Single Loss Expectancy is the amount that is expected to be lost from a single realized threat in one year.
Smart Card
A device that provides identification and/or authentication for the bearer. A smart card is a technical control which contains a magnetic strip or a computer chip that can be read by a card reader.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a TCP/IP protocol used on the Internet to route e-mail messages from one computer to another computer on a network.
The act of monitoring data that travels across a network. Sniffers can be inserted almost anywhere in a network and are difficult to detect.
Social Engineering
The process of convincing an authorized user to perform an unauthorized action. The target may or may not realize that they are helping an attacker compromise the system.
Anything that can be stored electronically. Software is a set of instructions or source code that accomplish a task when executed.
Software Configuration Management
A philosophy of formal management and documentation of each step in software development cycles.
Software Escrow Arrangement
An arrangement ensuring a copy of the software licensed by the organization has been put into a secure location. The arrangement is made to protect the organization and to allow them to retain ownership rights of the software if the software provider goes out of business.
Software Piracy
Installing and/or using any software that is not legally licensed for that particular machine.
A type of DoS attack that floods the mail server with useless messages in order to reduce the availability of the mail server.
A technique used by hackers to gain entry to a system by modifying packet headers so as to appear as a trusted host.
SQL Server
Structured query language server is a client/server relational database management system.
Secure Sockets Layer is a protocol that uses a public key to encrypt data sent during communication over the Internet.
Single Sign-On is a method that allows the users to have a domain of control. SSO simplifies the authentication process by allowing the users to authenticate themselves into an entry point of a domain which signs them into every component of the domain.
Star Topology
A LAN topology with a central device, such as a hub or a repeater, that all nodes are connected to and all messages must travel through.
State Machine Model
A mathematical model that shows the state of a system, which is a snapshot of all instances of subjects and objects.
A virus that not only infects files, but covers its tracks to hide its existence from antivirus software.
A cryptographic practice in which the fact that a message is encrypted is hidden.
Shielded twisted pair is a UTP with a layer of foil wrapped around all of the pairs protecting them from emanations.
Stream Cipher
A category of cipher in which each character is encrypted.
Structured Walk-through
A test in which the DRP team leader uses role-playing to simulate a disaster. This type of test provides an opportunity for immediate feedback and open discussion.
Substitution Cipher
A type of cipher that replaces each character of a plaintext message with something else. A table of plaintext characters and their associated substitute characters or a simple algorithm are all that is needed to use this type of cipher.
A type of processor that handles multiple instructions executed at one time; the instructions are handled through hardware or software. Many pipeline stages can be executed simultaneously.
A network layer security protocol for IP that provides transport layer security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability for IP.
A device in a network that forwards packets and filters to different ports with specific network addresses. Switches operate at the data-link or network layer.
Symmetric Algorithm
An algorithm in which the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt messages. A symmetric algorithm may also be called a secret key algorithm.
Synchronized Device
A token device that generates time-based passwords to correspond with a central server.
System High
A monolithic security level which only allows handling of data that all users are cleared to access.