vocabularyE2F Flashcards
The 3DES encryption algorithm.
A type of attack involving the reading of messages that are not intended for the subject.
An attack similar to sniffing, but includes recording or listening to conversations.
Electronic Codebook is a DES mode that takes each 64-bit block and encrypts it with a key.
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 was the first entry into privacy issues concerning electronic communication. The law made it a crime to invade a persons electronic privacy such as e-mail, voice mail, and cell phone monitoring.
El Gamal
An asymmetrical cryptographic algorithm that uses large integers and modular arithmetic to calculate keys.
A feature gained through object-oriented programming that allows data to be hidden and stored as a unit in an object. The data may only be accessed through predefined methods.
The process of rendering data incomprehensible to unauthorized users by applying an algorithm to alter the datas appearance.
Enigma Machine
A machine developed by the Germans during World War II. The machine was made up of rotors that rotated depending on the key set, therefore encrypting a message. This machine was never broken, only duplicated.
Erasable programmable read-only memory is where the BIOS is burned into the chip. It is memory that can be erased using UV light through a small window embedded into the top of the chip.
An act where the goal is to steal something of value from someone else. Espionage can sometimes be copying something that is very valuable.
A common LAN architecture using a bus or star topology and the CSMA/CD access method to manage simultaneous communication demands. Ethernet is the basis for the IEEE 802.3 standard.
Any hardware, software, or data that can be used to verify the origin and details of an incident.
Execution Cycle
A three-step cycle that includes fetching instructions from memory, decoding the instructions, and executing the instructions.
Expert System
A knowledge-based system that stores a large volume of data in one area of specialty, simulating the knowledge and decisions of an expert human.
False Acceptance Rate is the rate at which a biometrics system accepts an invalid subject.
Fault Tolerance
A computer system or component designed so that in the case of a failure of either hardware or software, another backup system immediately takes its place with no loss of service.
Fiber Distributed Data Interface is a standard used by LANs wired with fiber-optic cable for data transmission.
A physical access control that defines a perimeter barrier, marking the inside from the outside.
A section of a database record that contains a single piece of information.
File Infector
A virus that modifies or replaces an executable file. A file infector activates when the infected file is run.
Financial Attack
A type of attack that attempts to improperly acquire goods, services, or money in order to benefit the attacker.
A method used to protect a network system against intrusions from unauthorized users or systems. A firewall will block unsecured connections based on protocol or untrustworthy relationships.
A method used to protect a network system from intrusions from unauthorized users or systems. A firewall will block unsecured connections based on protocol or untrustworthy relationships.
Software that is stored on a ROM chip.
A type of DoS attack that sends a large number of packets to a victims machine without responding to the victims acknowledgements, making the victim maintain the maximum number of open connections and allowing no new connections to be made.
Frame Relay
A switched data-link layer protocol that uses a form of HDLC encapsulation to handle multiple virtual circuits.
False Rejection Rate is the rate at which a biometrics system would reject a valid subject.
Full-interruption Test
The only real test that is not a simulation. The primary data centers power is cut and the data is then recovered at the alternative site. The test must be preauthorized as it can cause a substantial business process interruption.
Full Backup
A backup type which dumps all important data files out to a different device such as tape, disk, archive file, or system-to-system over the network.
Fun Attack
A type of attack that is executed for the thrill and prestige of the attacker.