Vocabulary, pronunciation and expressions. Flashcards
How do you pronounce the following word:
How do you pronounce the following word:
What is “animer une réunion” in English?
Host / Lead a meeting.
What is “faire une erreur” in English?
Make a mistake.
NOT “Do an error” or “Do a mistake” :-)
When you need to change the date of a meeting for a later date, you have to ………. it.
(move is also possible)
A machine or piece of equipment that is not up-to-date is………?
“Because of” or “according to”?
I can’t go to the English class next week ………………….. my meeting.
Because of
“Because of” or “according to”?
…………………… my boss, the equipment will need to be changed in the next 2 years.
According to
When people are 65 years old, they usually……. (prendre sa retraite)
Is this sentence right or wrong?
According to Nathalie, my English is improving.
Is this sentence right or wrong?
According to me, my English is improving.
In my opinion
What is the translation for “ne pas pouvoir s’en empêcher” in the following sentence?:
Quand les gens font des erreurs en anglais, je ne peux pas m’en empêcher: je les corrige.
can’t help it
Example: When people make mistakes in English, I can’t help it: I correct them.
What do we call the piece of paper that contains all the information about our birth and that we need to show in legal documents?
birth certificate
What is the translation for “ancien” in “mon ancien emploi” or “mon ancien patron”?
My old job
My old boss
When a piece of wood is rough and we need to smoothen it, we have to……..it
What is “béton” in English?
Example: Dalle de béton
Example: Concrete slab.
What is “vissé au plancher” in English?
Screwed to the ground.
Bolted to the ground.
If we don’t have enough money to buy something, we can ………. some from the bank.
If we have good credit, the bank will accept to ……… us the money.
He started working here last week. The company ……….. him last week.
What is “au can où” in English?
Example: Je vais le faire au cas où.
just in case
Example: I will do it just in case.
What is “jeter de l’argent par la fenêtre” in English?
Example: Acheter ces choses inutiles équivaut à jeter de l’argent par la fenêtre.
Pour money down the drain
Example: Buying useless things is like pouring money down the drain.
The person who lives next to you is your ………
What is “Gestion de projet” in English?
Project management
When you work in a company during your studies for a few weeks to get some experience under supervision, you do an…..?
A student who works in a company during their studies for a few weeks to get some experience under supervision is called an…..?
How do we say: “J’ai eu un imprévu” in English?
Something has come up.
Something came up.
What’s the difference between WEATHER and TEMPERATURE?
Weather = nice, bad, cloudy, sunny, etc.
Temperature = 25 degrees Celcius, 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the general question to ask about the weather? (2 possibilities)
What’s the weather like?
How’s the weather?
What is the English word for “étant donné que” in the sentence: “Étant donné qu’elle est en vacances cette semaine, elle ne sera pas au cours aujourd’hui.”
Since she’s on vacation this week, she will not come to the class today.
As she’s on vacation…
The house is very warm even in the wintertime because it is well …………. (isolé)
My roof has a 30-degree ……… (pente)
How do you pronounce “patio” in English?
How do we pronounce INSURANCE in English?
What can appear in house walls when there’s too much humidity? (moisissure)
What is the opposite of “well done” or “well made”? (mal fait)
Badly done
Badly made
In the morning, I ……………. my kids at school and at the end of the day, I ………….. (aller les reconduire, aller les chercher)
drive - drop off
pick them up
What adjective do we use to describe employees who work in a big business and are represented by an organization that is there to protect their rights?
What do we call the organization that represents employees and fights for their rights?
What is the translation for “s’en tenir à” in the sentence “Les employés doivent s’en tenir au plan.”?
stick to
What is the English word for “déclencher” in the sentence “Je ne sais pas ce qui a déclenché la réaction allergique.”
“I don’t know what triggered the allergic reaction”?
hat do we call in English the disease that has to do with blood sugar?
How do we pronounce “diabetes”?
How do we pronounce “diabetic”?
What is “soutien technique” in English?
Technical support
What is “tanné de” in English?
Example: Je suis tanné d’attendre après l’information.
Tired of
Sick of
Fed up with
Example: I’m tired of waiting for information. = I’m sick of waiting for… = I’m fed up with waiting…
What is “bon pour l’environnement” in English?
Environmentally friendly
What verb do we need to use with the names of meals “breakfast-lunch-dinner” to make them a verb? (2 possibilities.)
J’ai déjeuné à 10h.
Eat or have
I had breakfast at 10.
I ate breakfast at 10.