English lesson of September 26, 2023 Flashcards
What are the two holes in our nose called in English?
(pronounced NÂ-strills)
What is the difference between “watch” and “listen to”?
Watch = with the eyes
Example: I watched a movie last night. I like to watch series.
Listen to = with the ears. (NOTE: always with the preposition “to”)
Example: Jessica **listens to **English podcasts. I listen to the radio in my car. I listen to music when I’m home.
What’s a synonym of “rarely”?
What is “occupé” in English and what’s the correct pronunciation?
(pronounced BIZ-zee)
What is “a un moment donné” in English?
Exemple: A un moment donné, j’ai réalisé qu’il mentait.
At some point
Example: At some point, I realized he was lying.
What is “émission” in English (on TV)?
What is “obligatoire” in English?
What is a “portefeuille de projets” in English?
Project portfolio
What is “mettre une annonce” in English?
Exemple: Nous avons mis une annonce sur Marketplace et Kijiji.
Place an ad.
Example: We placed an ad on Marketplace and Kijiji.
What is “entretenir” or “faire l’entretien de” in English?
Exemple: Je dois faire l’entretien de ma voiture régulièrement.
Do the maintenance of
I have to maintain my car on a regular basis.
I have to do the maintenance of my car on a regular basis.
What is “de nos jours” in English?
Exemple: Tous les employés de bureau travaillent sur ordinateur de nos jours.
Example: All office employees work on the computer nowadays.
What is “appartenir à” in English?
Exemple: Hypershell appartient à GCM.
Belong to
Example: Hypershell belongs to GCM.
What does “report to” mean exactly?
Example: He will **report **directly to the chief executive.
= To work for someone and be managed by them.