English lesson of October 3, 2023 Flashcards
How do we pronounce the word “easily”?
(not “EE-jee-lee”)
NOTE: Sometimes, the “s” is pronounced as a “j”, for instance in the following words: Visual, Usual, casual, Asia, Asian.
What is “colère” in English?
What is the plural of “person”?
Une personne à la fois.
Deux personnes à la fois.
People (more common)
Persons (less common)
One person at a time.
Two people at a time.
How do we pronounce “vehicle”?
What is “défi” as in “On a plusieurs défis dans ce projet.”
Example: We have many challenges in that project.
What is “ces jours-ci” in English?
Exemple: Je ne travaille pas beaucoup ces jours-ci.
These days
Example: I’m not working much these days.
What is “bon” as in “Ce n’est pas le bon formulaire.”
Example: It’s not the right form.
How do we pronounce “involved”?
What is “avoir de la misère” or “avoir de la difficulté” in English?
Exemple: J’avais de la difficulté à parler anglais avec fluidité avant mes cours.
Have a hard time
Have difficulty
Example: I **had a hard time **speaking English fluently before my lessons.
What is “il s’aime” in English?
Example: Jessica n’aime pas Ben Affleck parce qu’elle trouve qu‘il s’aime trop.
He likes himself
He loves himself
Jessica doesn’t like Ben Affleck because she thinks he loves himself a bit too much.
How do we say “intelligent” in English? (4 possibilities)
How do we pronounce the following words?
- Psychology
- Psychologist
- Psychological
What is “On devait…” as in “On devait se rencontrer à 9h30.”
We were supposed to...(not “We should”)
Example: We were supposed to meet at 9:30.
What is “un effort collectif” in English?
Collective effort
What is “amasser des fonds pour” in English?
Exemple: On a amassé des fonds pour la Société d’Alzeimer.
Raise money
Example: We raised money for the Alzheimer’s Society.
What is “se plaindre” in English?
Exemple: Je ne me plains jamais!
Example: I never complain!
Translate: J’ai fait du vélo.
I rode my bike.
I went for a bike ride.
(Not: “I did bicycle”)