Vocabulary July 7 2018 Flashcards
rebus: tent cake
- Reduce the force, effect, or value of.
- to make thin, to make less
‘her intolerance was attenuated by an unexpected liberalism’
“to make thin, to make less,”
from Latin attenuatus, “to make thin, lessen, diminish,”
ad “to” + tenuare “make thin,” from PIE root *ten- “to stretch.”
rebus: lasso food
A state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.
‘she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed’
rebus: air ant
Complete, utter.
thoroughgoing, downright, notorious
‘what arrant nonsense!’
rebus: flying mat
adjective: (of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition.
* ‘the phlegmatic British character’*
“cool, calm, self-possessed,” and in a more pejorative sense, “cold, dull, apathetic,”
1570s, from literal sense “abounding in phlegm (as a bodily humor)”
rebus: leopard bait
noun: An unprincipled person without morals
adjective: totally bad; corrupt; depraved
* I am worried about Alice because her new boyfriend struck me as a reprobate.*
from Latin re- “opposite of, reversal of previous condition” + probare “prove to be worthy”