Vocabulary Group 3 Flashcards
S: Despicable
in conflict; utterly opposed; loathsome; repugnant
Please don’t ask me to cheat on the vocab test, cheating is abhorrent to me.
**abhor -utterly detest; loathe; hate
S: scold
A: Praise
reprove gently but seriously; caution
Mrs. Taylor complemented me on my creativity in my myths story, but admonished me for not having a more diverse vocabulary.
**admonition-gentle warning; friendly reproof
S: Scented
A: Odor
extremely pleasing to taste or smell; delicious, scented
The pineapple and watermelon in Costa Rica was ambrosial.
Kayle thinks my aftershave is ambrosial.
shut up; imprison; keep in narrow, cramped quarters
The prisoners were confined to their cell for 24 hours because of the threat of violence.
**confinement- After years of prisoners being held in solitary confinement for years we have learned solitary confinement for extended periods of time is very emotionally unhealthy.
S: 10 years
A: no years
period of ten years
My mom is over 4 decades old.
explode with suddenness and violence
America detonated the first atomic bomb on Hiroshema on August 6th, 1945 which led to Japan surrendering to the States, effectively ending WWII.
S: Temporary
A: Permanent
lasting one day only; fleeting; short-lived, brief
Tristin’s music carrier was ephemeral, he quit shortly after deciding to do band.
easily deceived or cheated; credulous
When I was younger my mom’s favorite thing to do is play on my gullibility. She was always making up crazy stories that I believed.
**deceive or cheat
dispute or argue over a price in a petty way; bargain; wrangle
My mom likes to go to Mexico and haggle with all the street vendors to get a better price.
S: Interested
A: Bored
plunge or place into a liquid; dip; duck
Chase doesn’t like to immerse her head in water when she swims because the water bothers her ears.
**immersion-state of being deeply engrossed; absorption
TJ is completely immersed in fantasy football this year because he won last year and wants to win again.
inability to sleep; abnormal wakefulness
When my Mom has insomnia she gets really grouchy.
**insomniac-person suffering from insomnia
S: Mistake
A: Accurate
slip; error; accidental mistake
Tristin, I wrote your name with an -an instead of an -in. Please forgive the lapse.
Dad went back to school to get his nursing degree after a lapse of 15 years in his education.
**lapsed-becoming invalid
My win-reality annual membership lapsed when my mom didn’t pay the $230 annual subscription fee.
S: examine
A:let go
Dad probed me when I tried to lie to him about why I wanted to stay longer at the football game because he was following the game at home and knew the score was a shutout and I said it was a close game.
S: Deliver
A: Keep
hand down officially; deliver; give
The courtroom was silent while it waited for the judge to render their decision of guilty or not guilty.
**rendering-presentation; interpretation
S: Meal
A: Diet
food for one occasion of eating; meal
My mom’s repast last nigh was fit for a king.
S: Refill
A: Deplete
bring back to condition of being full; refill
I was late to school because my mom had to go to a gas station to replenish the fuel in our car.
S: set of 20
A: none
group or set of twenty
I have 19 friends interested in going to the school dance together. If I get one more we will have a score.
S: Reject
A: Accept
act or instance of snubbing (treating with contempt); rebuff; insult
My mom used to invite every kid in my class to my birthday parties because she didn’t want any kids to feel snubbed.
**snub-treat with disdain or contempt
S: Stitches
A: Gap
strand or fiber used to sew parts of the living body; also, stitch made with such material
When I was younger I fell on the stairs of a waterpark splashpad and split my chin open and my mom had to take me to the doctor to get sutures in my chin.
S: Accidently
A: intentionally
unintentionally; by accident; inadvertently
I unwittingly missed all Kayla’s signs that she wanted me to kiss her at the football game last week.