Vocabulary Group 1 Flashcards
S: Improve
A: Worsen
We expected weather conditions to ameliorate, but they got worse.
S: Preserve, take care of
A: Waste
My mom says we live in a desert and need to conserve water, but I still like taking 45 minute showers.
S: Damage, harm
A: Advantage, good
My sister likes to continue to talk back to her detriment.
S: Different, fascinating, alluring
A: Ordinary
My mom tried planting exotic plants but they died.
S: Foolishness, silliness, stupidity
A: Careful, knowledgeable, wisdom
It is folly to wrestle in my dad’s livingroom and put a hole in the wall.
S: Previously, Last year
A: Now, Today
My mom formerly sold bubble wrap for a living, but now she stays home.
S: Peaceful, friendly
A: Conflict
A boundary dispute is making it difficult for Israel and Palestine to live in harmony.
S: Avoid, Neglect
A: Attend
Sometimes I ignore my mom when she is talking to me and she gets mad.
S: Block, barrier, obstruct
A: Aid, Assistance
A person’s lack of education is often an impediment to advancement.
S: Lazy, lethargic
A: Active, busy
Some mornings I am sleeping so well that I want to be indolent and not get out of bed and be productive.
S: Complete, Unharmed, Unhurt
A: Broken, Damaged
Gato knocked the glass of water off the counter, but astonishingly the glass did not break and was intact.
S: Not valid,
A: Valid
My sister’s story about how the window broke was invalid because the act was caught on camera.
S: Not cancer producing, safe
A: Cancer producing, harmful
Cancer causing ingredients need to be replaced by noncarcinogenic ingredients.
S: Frugal; greedy; Stingy with money
A: Liberal; Generous with money
When my mom tells me to buy something with my own money I tend to be parsimonious and usually decide I would rather keep the money than spend it.
S: Destroy; tear down; level to the ground
A: Erect; build
I built a lego tower that was 3 feet tall but Sonora razed it to the ground in the middle of the night.
S: Hesitant; Selective; holding back
A: Talkative, extrovert; over share
My grandpa is not reticent at all. He tells you how he feels.
S: Depart; withdraw from business
A: Stay in business
My mom says that TJ retire’s they are going to travel the world.
S: Reply sharply, sarcastic
A: Ask nicely
My mom doesn’t like it when I reply with retort.
S: Overthrow; Sabotage; undermine
A: Aid; help; improve
Cece tried to subvert me and Lukes plan because we didn’t invite her to help.
S: Controllable; easily led
A: Stubborn; unruly
My mom didn’t like to take me to restaurants when I was little because I was not tractable.