Vocabulary: Chapter 7-8a (Latin to English) Flashcards
amor, amōris, m.
carmen, carminis, n.
song, poem
cīvitās, cīvitātis, f.
state, citizenship
corpus, corporis, n.
homo, hominis, n.
human being, man
labor, labōris, m.
labor, work, toil; a work, production
littera, litterae, f. (litterae, litterārum, f. pl.)
a letter of the alphabet (letter, epistle; literature)
mōs, mōris, m. (mōrēs, mōrum, m. pl.)
habit, custom, manner (habits, morals, character)
nōmen, nōminis, n.
pāx, pācis, f.
rēgīna, rēgīnae, f.
rēx, rēgis, m.
tempus, temporis, n.
time; occasion, opportunity
terra, terrae, f.
earth, ground, land, country
uxor, uxōris, f.
virgō, virginis, f.
maiden, virgin
virtūs, virtūtis, f.
manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
novus, nova, novum
new; strange
post (+ acc.)
after, behind (+ acc.)
sub (+ abl. with verbs of rest; + acc. with verbs of motion)
under, up under, close to; down to/into, to/at the foot of (+ abl. with verbs of rest; + acc. with verbs of motion)
audeō, audēre, ausus sum
to dare
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātum
to murder, kill
Cicerō, Cicerōnis, m. (chapter 8)
cōpia, cōpiae, f.
abundance, supply
cōpiae, cōpiārum, f. pl.
supplies, troops, forces
frāter, frātris, m.
laus, laudis, f.
praise, glory, fame
lībertās, lībertātis, f.
ratiō, ratiōnis, f.
reckoning, account; reason, judgment, consideration; system; manner, method
scrīptor, scrīptōris, m.
writer, author
soror, sorōris, f.
victōria, victōriae, f.
while, as long as, at the same time; (+ subjunctive) until
ad (+ acc.)
to, up to, near to (+ acc.)
ex or ē (+ abl.)
out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of (+ abl.)
nevertheless, still
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum
to drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend (life or time)
grātiās agere (+ dat.)
to thank, give thanks to (+ dat.)
dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, dēmōnstrāvī, dēmōnstrātum
to point out, show, demonstrate
discō, discere, didicī
to learn
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctum
to teach
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum
to lead; consider, regard; prolong
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum
to carry; carry on, manage, conduct, wage, accomplish, perform
scrībō, scrībere scrīpsī, scrīptum
to write, compose
trahō, trahere, trāxī, tractum
to draw; drag; derive, acquire
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victum
to conquer; overcome