Vocabulary - Cardiovascular development Flashcards
blood vessel formation
heart formation
base of aortic arches
aortic sac
primitive heart chamber
bulbus cordis
distal portion of the bulbus cordis; forms outflow tract of the left and right ventricle; becomes subdivided y the proximal portion of the aorticopulmonary septum
conus cordis
loop formed when early heart folds upon itself
bulboventricular loop
mesenchymal masses that contribute to partitioning of the heart
endocardial cushions
paired tubes that fuse to form the primitive heart tube
endocardial tubes
tubular structure with grooves delineating chambers, from inflow to outflow
primitive heart
what are the 5 components of the primitive heart?
1) sinus venous
2) primitive paired atria
3) primitive ventricle
4) bulbus cordus
5) conus cordis
mesodermal mass (initially in front of pericardial cavity) that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities
septum transversum
what are the 2 portions of the developing interatrial septum?
1) septum primum
2) septum secundum
partitioned by the aorticopulmonary septum; NOT a definitive structure found in normal adults; gives rise to the aorta and pulmonary trunk
truncus arteriosus
relating to yolk sac
tissue composed of undifferentiated, multipotential cells. NOT EQUIVALENT TO MESODERM
when do the embryonic blood vessels form?
week 3-late ( ~2days after the 1st extraembryonic vessels)
what does the heart initially begin as?
simple blood vessel
where do the extraembryonic blood vessels form?
visceral (splanchnic) layer of lateral plate mesoderm
what is the primordia of the heart?
endocardial tubes
the primitive vessels will form the ….
endocardial tubes and paired dorsal aortae
space between somatic and visceral (splanchnic) lateral plate mesoderm
embryonic coelom
when (specifically) do the endocardial tubes fuse to form a single primitive heart tube?
day 20-22
cellular layer of heart resulting from fusion of heart tubes
layer of developing muscle derived from splanchnic mesoderm
outer layer fromed by splanchnic mesoderm migrating from sinus venosus