Vocabulary - Cardiovascular development Flashcards
blood vessel formation
heart formation
base of aortic arches
aortic sac
primitive heart chamber
bulbus cordis
distal portion of the bulbus cordis; forms outflow tract of the left and right ventricle; becomes subdivided y the proximal portion of the aorticopulmonary septum
conus cordis
loop formed when early heart folds upon itself
bulboventricular loop
mesenchymal masses that contribute to partitioning of the heart
endocardial cushions
paired tubes that fuse to form the primitive heart tube
endocardial tubes
tubular structure with grooves delineating chambers, from inflow to outflow
primitive heart
what are the 5 components of the primitive heart?
1) sinus venous
2) primitive paired atria
3) primitive ventricle
4) bulbus cordus
5) conus cordis
mesodermal mass (initially in front of pericardial cavity) that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities
septum transversum
what are the 2 portions of the developing interatrial septum?
1) septum primum
2) septum secundum
partitioned by the aorticopulmonary septum; NOT a definitive structure found in normal adults; gives rise to the aorta and pulmonary trunk
truncus arteriosus
relating to yolk sac
tissue composed of undifferentiated, multipotential cells. NOT EQUIVALENT TO MESODERM
when do the embryonic blood vessels form?
week 3-late ( ~2days after the 1st extraembryonic vessels)
what does the heart initially begin as?
simple blood vessel
where do the extraembryonic blood vessels form?
visceral (splanchnic) layer of lateral plate mesoderm
what is the primordia of the heart?
endocardial tubes
the primitive vessels will form the ….
endocardial tubes and paired dorsal aortae
space between somatic and visceral (splanchnic) lateral plate mesoderm
embryonic coelom
when (specifically) do the endocardial tubes fuse to form a single primitive heart tube?
day 20-22
cellular layer of heart resulting from fusion of heart tubes
layer of developing muscle derived from splanchnic mesoderm
outer layer fromed by splanchnic mesoderm migrating from sinus venosus
lubricates movements of the pericardial layers
pericardial fluid
fibrous layer superficial to the epicardium; continuous with adventitial layer of the great blood vessels
fibrous pericardium
tissue formed by fusion of mesoderm layers between the gut and developing heart; suspends heart in pericardial cavity
dorsal mesocardium
when is the heart no longer constrained in either the dorsal or ventral direction?
formation of the transverse sinus of the pericardium
blood flows into the heart through the …
left and right horns of the sinus venosus
after entering through the left and right horns of the sinus venosus, blood flows cranially through the …. (4)
1) single primitive atria
2) primitive ventricle
3) bulbus cordis
4) aortic sac
blood exits the primitive heart via the ….
aortic arches
the truncus arteriosus is eventually partitioned into the …
1) ascending aorta
2) pulmonary artery
growth of the bulbus cordis and primitive ventricle; fixes arterial and venous end of the heart
bulboventricular loop
the process of forming partitions
at which week do the endocardial cusions develop on the dorsal and ventral walls of the primitive heart?
week 4
True or false? endocardial cushions run the entire length of the heart
the atrioventricular foramen is subdivided by the …
endocardial cushions
what structures are formed by the thinning of the myocardium surrounding the canals?
1) atrioventricular valves
2) mitral valve (or left bicuspid)
3) right tricuspid valve
grows on the roof of the common atrium
septum primum
the opening between the septum primum and the endocardial cushions
foramen primum
which septum forms to the right of the septum primum?
septum secundum
True or false? the ostium primum is lost as the septum primum fuses caudally
opening formed by the free edges of the septum primum and septum secundum
foramen ovale
name the two outflow paths created by the aorticopulmonary septum
1) ascending aorta
2) pulmonary trunk
pair of swellings/cushions; aorticopulmnoary septum develops from this structure …
truncal and bulbar ridges
the interventricular septum is composed of …
1) muscular part
2) membranous part
space between cusions and muscular septum; open communication between ventricles until end of week 7
interventricular foramen
the completion of the interventricular septum is dependent upon …
the completion of the aorticopulmonary septum
25% of all congenital cardiac malformations; always involve left-to-right shunt of blood after birth; may lead to congestive heart failure; can close spontaneously
ventricular septal defects (VSDs)
transverse (lateral) folding moves heart …
to the midline position
longitudinal (head) folding moves heart …
when does the heart develop septations?
day 28-37
congenital anomalies of the heart and great vessels (ex. Tetralogy of Fallot)
atrial septal defect
most common ASD; probe patent (25% of population), may be clinically insignificant; cyanosis can result
patent foramen ovale
abnormally short septum secundum or septum with fenestrations
secundum ASDs
complete failure of interarterial septum formation; 3 chambers (2 ventricles, 1 big atrium)
cor trioculare biventriculare
typically results in heart muscle hypertrophy
premature closure of foramen ovale
failure of TA to divide ; conotruncal ridges do not develop properly; can be associated with multiple anatomical changes
persistant truncus arteriosus
most common cause of cyanotic disease in newborns; aorticopulmnoary septums grows straight instead of spiraling; two circulations; may involve a VSD
transposition of the great arteries/vessels (TGA)
unequal TA division leads to one artery being larger than the other; misplaced aorticopulmonary septum misaligns with intraventricular septum
overriding aorta or pulmonary trunk
misplaced aorticopulmonary septum leading to 1) overriding aorta, 2) VSD, 3) pulmonary stenosis/pulmonary valve stenosis, 4) right ventricular hypertrophy
Tetralogy of Fallot
the septum primum and endocardial cushion FUSE to close the …
foramen primum