Vocabulary Bonus 6 Flashcards
To eat outside, from the Italian for at fresh temperature. ________ dining was made popular in the cafes and trattorias of Europe. Today, many restaurants offer patrons the option of dinning outside during the summer months.
“According to the menu,” this refers to items that are sold separately. Other dishes are sold as packages, with side dishes included. Other menus offer complete meals at a fixed price (prix fixe).
A la carte
Bottom; butt. A French (therefore, much sexier) way to refer to someone’s ass.
Hello! Hi, there!
Instinctive expertise. Literally, “to know to do”. As well, it can imply the ability to say or do just the right thing.
Literally “thus”. Used generally within quotations to indicate that an error within the quoted words appeared that way in the original version.
With highest honors. The best possible way to graduate from college.
Summa Cum Laude
Black slate, literally “erased slate”. This refers to the idea that people are born without innate knowledge and that whatever they know comes from experience and perception. Other argue that humans are born with an inherent set of precepts.
Tabula Rasa
Literally “touched”. In a fencing match, when one combatant touches the other, he (or the referee) calls out this word to indicate a hit.
Exact words. Literally “word for word”.
Desire to wander. Found in the traditions of German Romanticism, which stress the rootless, restless character of literary heroes, this concept pervades a great deal of nineteenth century German literature. Only the Germans could have come up with a single word for it.