Vocabulary 8 Flashcards
I think we should all try to stay as objective as possible.
“Objective” (adjective) means not influenced by your own feelings or opinions, especially when you need to make a decision. Other forms include “objectivity” (noun)
Carolyn reconizes how hard she’ll have to work to finish on time.
“Recognize” (verb) means to feel that you have seen or heard something or someone before. “Recognize” also means to understand and accept that something is true. “Recognize” is used with an object. Other forms include “recognition” (noun).
The presence of the new manager changed the dynamics of the department.
“Dynamics” (noun) is the way that people interact in a certain environment or situation. When “dynamics” is used in this way, it is always plural.
Put in perspective
Keep in perspective
“Perspective” (noun) is a way to represent the spatial relationship between two objects. “Perspective” can also mean the understanding of the importance of something in relation to other factors. “Perspective” is an uncountable noun. “Put in perspective” and “keep in perspective” are common phrases.
Have/has been through
Carmen has been through several transitions like ours.
“Have been through” (verb phrase) means to have experienced a certain situation or process. “Have been through” is followed by a noun phrase.
When I realized the benefits of the new job outweighed the risks, I decided to take it.
“Outweigh” (verb) means to weigh more than someone or something else. “Outweigh” can also mean to have more value or importance than something else. “Outweigh” is used with an object.
Take place
The interview skills workshop took place in Heidelberg.
I need to understand how Accelerated will benefit from any changes that take place.
“Take place” (verb phrase) means to happen or occur. “Take place” is not used with an object.
It’s more than likely that the retreat will take place in Heidelberg.
“Likely” (adjective) means very probable. “More than likely” means extremely probable.
Pertain to
I’d like to find out more about the things that pertain to my department.
“Pertain to” (phrasal verb) means to directly relate to something. “Pertain to” is an inseparable phrasal verb and is used with an object. Other forms include “pertaining to” (adjective phrase) and “pertinent” (adjective).
The company’s hiring test is not valid. It doesn’t measure the skills needed to do the job.
“Valid” (adjective) means based on fact, true, and taken seriously. Other forms include “validity” (noun), “validation” (noun), and “validate” (verb).
to omit
It cannot be omitted.
Is she the person to whom you spoke?
Is this the job for which I was hired?
If a preposition is at the beginning of a relative clause, you must use “whom” or “which” (not “who” or “that”) as the relative pronoun. In this case, the pronoun cannot be omitted.
In a twisted turn of events
An unforeseen development
events suddenly took an awkward turn
disgruntled employee
недоволен, раздразнен, кисел
kickoff meeting
The Kickoff Meeting is the first meeting with the project team and the client of the project. This meeting would follow definition of the base elements for the project and other project planning activities.