Vocabulary 7 Flashcards
Speak to
Mike didn’t speak to a lot of the issues this morning.
Tomorrow, I plan to speak to the issue of integrating our two companies.
“Speak to” (phrasal verb) means to express an opinion or discuss an issue, typically in a meeting. “Speak to” is an inseparable phrasal verb and is used with an object.
Pressing (adjective) means urgent. Pressing issue/tasks
In jeopardy
Your job might be in jeopardy.
In jeopardy (prepositional phrase) means in danger or at risk. It is often used with “be” or “put.”
Rough (adjective) means not smooth. “Rough” can also mean difficult or full of problems.
Seasoned (adjective) means experienced. It is usually followed by a noun.
chain of command
A chain of command (noun phrase) is the structure in an organization in which people at the top have authority over people at lower ranks.
Point out
Point out (phrasal verb) means to show something to someone by pointing your finger at it. “Point out” can also mean to tell someone something that they haven’t already realized or noticed. “Point out” is a separable phrasal verb and is used with an object.
performance review
A “performance review” (noun phrase) is a formal evaluation of an employee’s work during a particular time period.
“Anticipate” (verb) means to expect that something will happen. “Anticipate” is used with an object. Other forms include “anticipation” (noun).
Iron out
we need to iron out a few problems before the negotiations can move forward.
“Iron out” (phrasal verb) means to smooth out the wrinkles in a cloth with an iron. “Iron out” can also mean to deal with a small problem or the details of a situation. “Iron out” is a separable phrasal verb and is used with an object.
I’m really upset about
Наистина съм разстроен за/заради
I have a problem with
Имам проблем с
I hate to have to say this, but
Не искам да го казвам, но
I’m really upset about the decline in the stock market.
Разстроен съм заради спада на стоковата борса.
I’m really bothered by
Притеснен съм
I’m really annoyed by
Раздразнен съм от
I’m frustrated with this copy machine.
Изнервен, разочарован от
I’m not happy about my performance review.
Не съм доволен от оценката на работата ми.
I have a problem with this approach.
Не харесвам този вариант.
I hate to have to point this out, but Mark didn’t do a good job.
Не искам да го казвам, но
I hate to have to bring this up, but I don’t like the way you approached that customer.
Не искам да започвам, но
I hate to have to mention this, but I don’t think your sales strategy was very effective.
Не искам да споменавам, но
What else is bothering you?
Какво друго те притеснява?
I’m already informed that this is a problem.
Знам че е проблем