Vocabulary 6 Flashcards
Let’s see how the things will play out
Да видим как ще се развият нещата.
Now, If I could finish what I was saying…
Сега, ако ми позволите да довърша…
Now, to get back to my point..
Да се върна на това което обяснявах
May I interject again?
Може ли да се намеся отново?
Pardon me, Mike, but are you currently negotiating with Universal Language, or have you already agreed for us to be acquired?
Извини ме Майк, но сега ли преговаряте или вече сте се договорили за това дали да бъдем придобити?
As I was saying…
Както казах…
He is solely responsible for any debts the company may incur.
No one else handles sales for Franse. I’am solely responsible for them.
Само, единствено
“Solely” (adverb) means only, or not involving anyone or anything else. Other forms include “sole” (adjective).
After deliberations among the owners, we have decided to sell.
The board finished deliberations late last night.
“Deliberations” (noun) mean careful consideration and discussion focused on reaching a decision. “Deliberations” is almost always plural. Another form is “deliberate” (verb) - conscious, cautious, slow.
The salary is negotiable before you sign a contract.
Подлежащ на обсъждане
“Negotiable” (adjective) means able to be discussed, considered, or changed before an agreement is reached. Another form is “negotiate” (verb).
Work out
We can discuss that later, once we work out all the details.
I can’t halp you. You’ll have to work it out yourself.
да го направиш, прикючиш
“Work out” (phrasal verb) means to think about or deal with a problem or situation until you find a solution. It is a separable phrasal verb and is used with an object.
Bilingual [bai:linual]
They can’t sell our product overseas if they aren’t bilingual.
“Bilingual” (adjective) means able to speak two languages equally well.
Break into
They tried to break into the international market.
Настъпвам, завземам
“Break into” (phrasal verb) means to become involved in a new activity, especially in business. “Break into” is an inseparable phrasal verb and is used with an object.
Play out
We’re all waiting to see how things play out.
развивам се, случвам се
“Play out” (phrasal verb) means to develop in a particular way over time. “Play out” is an inseparable phrasal verb and is not used with an object.
We’re all uneasy about waiting for the results.
неспокоен, нервен
“Uneasy” (adjective) means nervous, anxious, or unable to relax. “Uneasy” can be followed by “about” plus an object. It is not the opposite of easy.
a phase
In the third phase of construction, the walls are put up in the building.
фаза, етап
A “phase” (noun) is a part of a process of development or growth.