Vocabulary Flashcards
to call to speak or voice
Define advocate
To speak on behalf of a cause
Define avocation
Hobby or calling
Define invocation
To call on someone or something for guidance a prayer
Define provoke
Speak out against someone or to bug
Define revoke
Call back
Define vocab
Words for language
Define vocation
A calling for a career or occupation
Find voucher
A document that serves as evidence of money you’ve spent and can be redeemed
Good or well
Define benevolent
Well-meaning and kindly
Define bona fide
Sincere or genuine
Define Bennison’s
A blessing
Define benign
Gentle kindly or good usually in terms of disease
Define beneficial
Resulting in good
Define Bonnie
Small or less
Define miniature
Small representation
Find minor
Less serious
Define minority
Smaller part
To carry or entrance
Define port
Entrance for ships
Define portage
To carry canoes or supplies across the landmass
People or kind
Define degenerate
Somebody who is corrupt immoral or person considered who has lost qualities
Define indigenous
Originating or occurring in the same place
Define progeny
Descendent of a person animal or plant an offspring
Define regenerate
Regrow to replace lost or injured tissue