And Then There Were None Flashcards
What was the alternate title?
Ten Little Indians
Who was the author?
Agatha Christie
What is the genre?
Murder mystery
When was it written & published?
England 1939
Who is the narrator?
Unnamed omniscient person (all knowing)
What is the point of view?
Shifts constantly between characters (suspense)
What is the tone?
Dark, foreboding, sinister, dramatic and even melodramatic.
What is the tense?
What is the setting?
1930’s - Indian Island (fictional) off coast of England
Although there is no clear protagonist, Vera Claythorne and Philip Lombard are the most fully developed characters, and they outlive everyone else.
Justice Wargrave or Justice in general, maybe even guilt.
Major Conflict?
An anonymous killer gathers a collection of strangers on Indian Island to murder them as punishment for their past crimes.
Rising action?
The accusations made my the recorded voice turn the island getaway including o a scene of paranoia; the murders of Tony, Mrs, General, Mr, Emily indicate that no one will be able to escape the poem.
The apparent death of Justice Wargrave and the disappearance of Armstrong strip away any sense of order.
Falling action?
The ,indeed of Blore, Lombard, and Vera, combined with Wargrave’s confession, restore some sense of order.
What goes around comes around Be sure your sins will find you out Appearances may be deceiving Guilt does strange things to people Vigilantism - taking justice into one's own hands & working outside the law (ever right? Necessary?)
- Vera’s first sight of Indian Island - sinister
- Old mans warning to Blore - day of judgement is at hand, hinting he will die soon.
- 10 Indians poem lays out pattern
- Vera seeing the hook hinting at that she will hang herself
When was Agatha Christie born?
England 1890
Did Agatha have education?
No formal education (ruined eyes & rotten brains is what her mother said)
How many novels did she write?
66 novels & several plays and short stories over 56 years.
Agatha’s hobby?
Singing & traveling (she was well travelled)
Agatha’s occupation?
Trained and worked as a nurse
Did Agatha ever marry?
Yes, to colonel Archibald Christie (aviator in Royal Corps) and they had one child.
How long was her planned disappearance?
10 days in order to teach her husband a lesson.
When did she divorce?
1928 & remarried a kindred spirit
Why did she start writing? (Agatha)
In response of a dare from her sister.
What is Agatha most famous for?
Mystery novels (Hercule Poirot & Miss Marpole)
Who did Agatha follow in the footsteps of?
Edgar Allen Poe
What was Agatha criticized for?
For making her mysteries unfair and too deceptive. Too many turns.
Justice Wargrave
Reptilian old man "Hanging Judge" Retired judge Wizened and ugly Tortoise like neck and pale shrewd eyes Quick mind, slow body Accused of the murder of Edward Seton invited by an old friend, Constance Culmington Shot himself MAJOR
Vera Claythorne
Ex-governess with a Coroners Inquest in past
Psychotic at the end
Accused of the murder of Cyril Hamilton (Let him drown so she could be with Hugo)
Initially thinks that the poem is amusing
Finds Emily not only ridiculous but terrible after hearing her story
Had been hired as a secretary by Mrs Owen
Hung herself at the end
Captain Philip Lombard
Soldier of fortune who served in Africa
Carried a gun
A good man in a tight spot
Cheerfully admits to the accusation
Climbs down cliff during search of the island
Responsible for deaths of 21 members of an East African tribe
Vera Claythorne used his revolver to kill him
Alias is Mr Davis and African colonel
Former detective hired to protect Mrs.Owens
Old man on a train warns him that the day of judgement is near
Fetches a rope during search of the island
Killed James Stephan Landor
Bear clock falls on him
Too much got him into a life and death situation Accused of the murder Louisa Mary Clees Dreams that he needs to kill Emily Brent Helps search house and island Hired to check on health of Mrs Owens Drowned in the sea MAJOR
Always warned people about spreading rumours
Looking forward to talking over old times with his buddies
Decides that the island is a peaceful place
Is the first to realize the no one will leave the island
Sent his wife’s love-Arthur richmond to his death
Emily Brent
Doesn’t approve of slouching
Can be described as the most self-righteous character
Charged with the murder of Beatrice Taylor
Pre-dinner went to all included Bible reading and broaches
Spinster self righteous religious stern
Mr Rogers
Asked to change rooms from upstairs to downstairs
Very bothered by China figures
Proper, punctual, service orientated, butler
Received instructions to play gramophone
Mrs Rogers
White, bloodless, nervous, good cook, rheumaticky
Fainted after the voice stopped
Charged with the death of Jennifer Brady
Accused of the murder of John and Lucy Coombes
Bronzed god
Primarily concerned with food, drink, friends,fun and speed
Supposed stunning strength proved woefully inadequate against his unknown adversary
Self centred
Sir Thomas Legge
The assistant commissioner
Inspector Maine
Helped to solve the mystery
Fred Narracott
A boatman who brought the strange group of people to the island
What is the mood
Where is the location
Indian island off the coast of Devon sticklehaven England
Fiction and murder mystery
Edgar Allen poe is the creator of murder mysteries
Order of deaths - 1?
Anthony Marston, cyanide in his drink
OoD - 2?
Poisoned overdose on sleeping meds
Mrs Rogers
OoD -3?
Hit with a life preserver in the head
Hit in the head with an axe
Mr Rogers
knocked out and “Stung with needle with cyanide”
Emily Brent
Faked death with a shot to the forehead
Justice Wargrave
Pushed off a cliff and drowned
Crushed by marble clock shaped like a bear
Shot with his own revolver by Vera
Hung herself, suicide
Isaac Morris?
Was the person who sold the island
Wargrave killed him when he took a pill that he though would help him with his gastrial juices, given to him by Wargrave
What happened to Justice at the end?
He shot himself and before that he wrote a letter in a bottle. He left behind 10 dead bodies and a mystery.
Look at vigilantism notes in notebook !
Refer to above
Flat Character
Described in one sentence 1/2 prominent characteristics Associated with static characters Anthony Marston Mrs Rogers -worried -quiet -nervous
Static Character
Don't change Same at start and ending Mrs Rogers Anthony Marston is the same throughout - self centred, partier
Stock Characters
Sometimes related to static and flat
Mad scientist you have a picture in your head
With a can what you see in the outside is what you expect on the inside
Mr Blore - not flat
Mr Roger - perfect proper efficient butler
Emily Brent - spinster religious proper self righteous
Dynamic Characters
Characters that grow and change or develop
Opposite of stock
Vera is prim organized calm teacher, at the end hysterical, murders again kills herself
Round Characters
Complex multi dimensional lots of characteristics a lot more to them than you think
Justice Wargrave is detailed precise quicker psychotic obsessed with Justice smart
Dr. Armstrong is intelligent gullible
Philip and Vera have a lot to them
Foil Characters
Use two characters as if they were mirrors to each other hold two mirrors side-by-side and compare and contrast
Justice is detached confident analytical
Armstrong is emotional insecure skill set to detach
Both of them are professionals and both (older)
What are the effects of guilt? Physical
In physical unresolved guilt may affect us physically. Manifests us in these ways: Listlessness imagined sickness Real illness Headaches stomach disorders vague pains Exhaustion
What are the effects of guilt emotionally?
Psychologists and counselors see these emotional affects of guilt Depression Anger Self-pity Feelings of inadequacy Denial of responsibility
What are the effects of guilt spiritually?
Unresolved guilt may have the following spiritual effects on us Sense of alienation from God Inability to pray Reduced fellowship with believers No feeling of joy Inability to read the Bible
What are the effects of guilt relationally?
Irritability Blaming others Self justification Profuse apologies Inability to relax Refusal to accept compliments Outbursts of temper Withdrawal
Themes part two
Taking justice into one’s own hands isn’t good
Guilt does crazy things to people
Vigilanteeism is taking justice into one’s on hands
The danger of relying on class status or gender status
-dr. Armstrong trusted Wargrave because both were professionals
-they didn’t find purpose in searching the girls room because they were just girls
Louisa Mary Clees was killed by
Edward George Armstrong
He was drunk while operating
Emily Caroline Brent cause the death of
Beatrice Taylor
She was her servant and when she got pregnant she fired her and then she went a drowned herself
William Blore brought about the death of
James Stephen Landor
Gave evidence against him (frames)
Landor is convicted and then later dies
Vera Claythorne killed
Cyril Ogilivie Hamilton
He let him drown because his relative, Hugo would then inherit his estate and have enough money to marry her
Philip Lombard was guilty of the death of
21 members of the East African tribe
John Gordon MacArthur deliberately sent his wife’s lover
Arthur Richmond To his death
Send him on a mission that he knows will kill him
Anthony Marston was guilty of murder of
John and Lucy Combes
Mr and Mrs Rogers brought about the death of
Jennifer Brady
One day she gets sick and they don’t do all they can to save her as the inherit her money
Lawrence Wargrave was Guilty of the murder of
Edward seton
He was accused of murder and Justice provided evidence that made him seem guilty when he was not and he got a death penLty