Vocabulary 5 Flashcards
Bend over backwards for someone
to work extra hard to make something happen, particularly to help someone or to make them happy
To know someone/something inside out
to know everything about a subject:
No problem too big or small
Not big or small
Niggling (doubts/ worries/difficulties)
worrying someone slightly or causing them slight pain, usually for a long time:
a niggling doubt/fear
Irrespective of
Regardless off
Unassailable (lead/position/argument) ?
in such a strong position that you cannot be defeated:
This win has given the team an unassailable lead.
Proponents of sthm ?
≠ opponents
a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action:
He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment.
Solace (take/seek/find)
Find peace in sthm
As a teenager, I found a lot of solace in religion
Crippling (doubts/fears/poverty)
Surmontable (problem/challenge/odd)
Be overt about sthm
Show publicly about something
She is overtly racist
Draw inspiration from
Take inspiration from
To cloud (judgement/vision/mind/memory/ an issue/ an outlook
to make someone confused, or make something more difficult to understand:
When it came to explaining the lipstick on his collar, he found that drink had clouded (= confused) his memory.
Looming (dread/anxiety) ?
of something unwanted or unpleasant) about to happen soon and causing worry:
Outlook ?
≠ perspective ?
the likely future situation or
a person’s way of understanding and thinking about something:
He has a fairly positive outlook on life.
Perspective : a particular way of considering something:
To probe ?
Probe questions
Probe into a scandal
Probe for details
Try to discover something that is hidden by asking questions
Scarcely ?
almost not:
I was scarcely able to move my arm after the accident.
I was full of beans ?
Full of energy
Be taken in by something/someone ?
You are deceived by them, so that you get a false impression of them
Bleary eyed ?
Troubled/confused/ tired eyes
Thorough fare ?
Staggering ?
Not walking straight
Hop-picking ?
Fruits picking
Crunch under my boots
Le son
Twittering birds
Bruit des oiseaux comme si ils parlaient
Claps of thunder
Grondement de toner
Wind whistling
Sifflement du vent
Roar of car
Roar with laughter ≠ roar in anger
Lapping water
Gouttes d’eau qui tombent