Vocabulary 3 Flashcards
What means to cram in ?
to make a special effort to meet with (someone) or to do (something) although one is very busy.
He tries to cram in too much into our lessons and nothing really gets explained
Go off the rails (people, storyline etc) ?
to start behaving in a way that is not generally acceptable, especially dishonestly or illegally:
He went off the rails in his first year at university.
The storyline for the last of us goes a little off the rails and start devolving into the background of almost irrelevant side characters
I like Disney and musical, Moana suits me to a tee
Perfect fit f
X hit close to home ?
To affect emotionally because one can relate
To mirror smth?
To represent something as it is
An uproar about sth?
a situation in which a lot of people complain about something angrily or make a lot of noise
Face a backlash ?
A strong negative reaction by a large group of people
The film faced a backlash for how they treated the deception of suicide in 13 reasons why
Up in arms about ?
Being angry or upset
Many groups were up in arms about the depiction of Hannah’s death in 13 reasons why
What means to pander to ?
to do or provide exactly what a person or group wants, especially when it is not acceptable, reasonable, or approved of, usually in order to get some personal advantage:
It’s not good the way she panders to his every whim.
I hate parents that pander to their children, it almost stifles them from becoming functional adults if they always get what they want
Deft - show deftness in (handling/skill/ability) ?
She shows deft ability to handle the situation when so many others panicked
Ineffable quality ?
causing so much emotion, especially pleasure, that it cannot be described:
To great or intense to be expressed in words
To lust (after) ?
a very powerful feeling of wanting something:
her lust for power
From the outset ?
From the beginning
Live up to the hype ?
Be as good as expected and anticipated by the public
It doesn’t not pull its punches ?
Speak in an honest way without being kind
Viable ?
Able to work as intended
Subvert ? (Trope/expectations/conventions/morals)
Try to destroy/damage something (politic specially)
Set the benchmark for ?
Set as high standards to be compared witn
Do away with ?
Get rid of/stop using
Wishy-washy ?
having no colour, firm ideas, principles, or noticeable qualities of any type:
The candidate gave a few unsatisfactory wishy-washy answers.
Watercolours are too wishy-washy for my taste.
Gritty ?
showing the unpleasant or difficult features of something as they really are:
The novel was praised for its gritty realism and emotional intensity.
a gritty crime drama
a gritty portrayal of urban poverty
Come off ?
To happen as planned
Tugs at the heartstrings ?
To cause strong feelings of love/sympathy
Leave you feeling flat ?
Being disappointed, not causing the excitation we expected
Massive whirlwind of enjoyment ?
Great enjoyment
Plucky ?
She was a plucky young girl, showing courage in the face of all difficulties
Run of the mill ?
Ordinary/not special
Titular ?
having the title of a position but not the responsibilities, duties, or power; in name only:
To portray ?
To represent someone
Gormless ?
stupid and slow to understand:
No easy feat ?
Not easy feat
Hound/harass/hassle ?
Hound : to chase someone or to refuse to leave someone alone, especially because you want to get something from them
Harass : to continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time:
Hassle : to annoy someone, especially by repeatedly asking them something:
Belittle/demeaning/disparaging ?
to make a person or an action seem as if he, she or it is not important
The teacher always belittled me/ was really demeaning/was really disappearing
Get a lot of stick for something ?
To receive strong criticism
If memory serves me right ?
If I recall well
Have a knack for something ?
Be good at something
He is as thick as two short planks
Being dumb
Have talents in spades
Have a lot of talent
State school/comprehensive school?
«Public» school
Means tested ?
the official process of measuring how much income a person has in order to decide if they should receive money from the government
Bunk/skive off ?
Ditch school
To coast through/sail through something
Surfer superficiellement
You won’t coast through this lecture today, we are going to practice difficult stuff
Doss off ?
Similar to bunk/skive off
Go through the motions ?
to do something without thinking it is very important or having much interest in it:
He says he’s been investigating my complaint, but I feel he’s just going through the motions.
A means to an end for
To do something not because we want it but because there is a purpose behind
I don’t really like this temp job, however I need money for the concert tickets.
Is crying out for ?
Need something
English school are crying out for reforms in education
To have the last laugh ?
to finally get an advantage from an argument or disagreement, when it seemed that you would not
In sync with
En synchro avec
Pale in comparison to ?
Pale en comparaison de
Snide (comments/remarks/jibes/have a snide attitude)
(especially of remarks) containing unpleasant criticism that is not clearly stated:
She is not outright aggressive but she has a snide attitude that often rubs people the wrong way
Be in a sorry/sad state of affairs ?
A bad situation that causes concern
To walk sb through something ?
Accompagne sb through something
Be on each other toes ?
To take responsability for something you shouldn’t
Gloss over ?
to treat or describe (something, such as a serious problem or error) as if it were not important.
A blazing row ?
Quarrel in a very noisy/angry way
Be at loggerheads with sb?
Arguing with sb
A situation snowballs ?
Effet de boule de neige
Do sth out of spite
To deliberately hurt someone because they hurt you
Bottle feelings up ?
Keep feelings inside
Indiscernable ?
Indiscernable like French
Set in stones ?
Difficult to change
Drawback ?