Vocabulary Flashcards
Dilatation of a blocked or narrowed artery using a balloon catheter
Angiography, Arteriogram, Angiogram
Injection of a contrast medium into the artery so X-rays may be taken of the blood flow. Ex abdominal, cardiac, cerebral, femoral, renal etc.
Excessive accumulation of fluid
To draw in or out by suction
Fine needle sample of cells or core sample of tissue is taken for pathological testing. Done under ultrasound, fluoroscopy or CT
Catheter drainage
Catheter is placed into a fluid collection in the body and is then attached to a drainage bag
Contrast medium
Radiopaque substance use during x-ray studies to provide a contrast in density between the tissue or organ & the media
Core biopsy
Cutting needle fired by a gun to remove a core of tissue from a solid organ
Double contrast enema (air contrast enema)
Study of the large colon using a combination of air and barium
Fine needle aspiration ( FNA)
Aspiration of cells through a fine needle
Medical imaging procedure that uses a contrast medium to visualize anatomy and motion in real time
The decision of which medical imaging procedure is most appropriate to obtain a diagnosis ex. CT, US, MRI, etc.
Modified barium swallow
An examination using various consistencies of barium to assess the patient’s ability to swallow
Surgical puncture and drainage of a body cavity
Through the skin