Vocabulary 1-30-17 Flashcards
King George III
King of Great Britain from 1760 to 1820
Taxation without representation
The colonists were not allowed to choose representatives to parliament in London, which passed the laws under which they were taxed
The Stamp Act
an act regulating stamp duty (a tax on the legal recognition of documents).
George Washington
The first president of the United States, and the commanding general of the victorious American army in the Revolutionary War
a British soldier.
Continental Army
formed by the Second Continental Congress after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War by the colonies that became the United States of America.
Seven Year War
A war fought in the middle of the eighteenth century between the German kingdom of Prussia, supported by Britain, and an alliance that included Austria, France, and Russia. Prussia and Britain won, and their victory greatly increased their power.
a person who remains loyal to the established ruler or government, especially in the face of a revolt.
a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.
Thomas Jefferson
principal author of the Declaration of Independence and served as president from 1801 to 1809, between John Adams and James Madison
Declaration of Independence
formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain
The Three Estates
three divisions of European society in the Middle Ages
Louis XV
King of France (1715-1774) who led France into the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) and the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763), during which France lost its colony in Canada.
Marie Antoinette
French queen, wife of Louis XVI. A daughter of Maria Theresa, she married the future Louis XVI of France in 1770.
A city of north-central France west-southwest of Paris. It is best known for its magnificent palace, built by Louis XIV in the late 1600s, where the treaty ending World War I was signed in 1919.
National Assembly
an elected legislature in various countries.
Estates General
the bicameral legislative body in the Netherlands
Declaration of Rights of Man
passed by France’s National Constituent Assembly in August 1789, is a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human and civil rights.
Constitution of 1791
a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged
a person who has left their own country in order to settle in another, usually for political reasons.
a person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims
a person who holds moderate views, especially in politics.
the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words.
Reign of Terror
a period of remorseless repression or bloodshed, in particular Reign of Terror, the period of the Terror during the French Revolution.
a member of a democratic club established in Paris in 1789. The Jacobins were the most radical and ruthless of the political groups formed in the wake of the French Revolution, and in association with Robespierre they instituted the Terror of 1793–4.
Austrian emperor of Mexico 1864–7
French lawyer and politician.
a machine with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves, used for beheading people.
compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces.
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government
The Directory
a book listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers.