Vocabulary 1-3 Flashcards
What is the definition of this word?
Definition: Projectile
An object that moves really fast through the air
Definition: Distract
To stop someone from concentrating on something
Definition: Disperse
Definition: Variety
Lots of different things
Definition: Opportunity
Having a chance to do something
Definition: Heave
To lift or move something heavy
Definition: Advantageous
Describing a better situation
Definition: Rotate
Definition: Conceal
Definition: Delicate
Easily broken or damaged
Definition: Murky
Dark and dirty
Definition: Irate
Definition: Approach
To go towards someone/something
Definition: Tremble
Definition: Advanced
Come closer to; at a high or more difficult level
Definition: Convince
To make someone believe something
Definition: Professional
Describing someone being paid to do a specific job/occupation
Definition: Glance
To look at something quickly
Definition: Lung
A part of the body that is used to store air that you breathe in
Definition: Turf
Another word for the grass and the soil it grows in
Definition: Duck
The action of moving your head down quickly
Definition: Anxiety
A feeling you have when you feel worried about something
Definition: Soot
A black power that is produced after burning something
Definition: Prominent
Describes something that sticks out
Definition: Pollution
Harmful things in the environment, such as chemicals or noise
Definition: Collapse
Falling down
Definition: Yelp
A short noise/scream made by someone who is scared or in pain
Definition: Unsurprising
Something that is expected
Definition: Abundant
Lots of
Definition: Matted
When something, usually hair or fur, is a tangled mess
Definition: Foolhardy
Definition: Flora
A term for all the plants that grow in a place
Definition: Emerge
To move away from something and become visible