Extras 7. Idioms Flashcards
A bitter pill
A situation that is not nice, but that you have to accept
A dime a dozen
Very common and not worth much
All ears
Listen carefully
Barking up the wrong tree
Looking in the wrong place
Beat around the bush
Avoid the main issue
Best of both worlds
To get all the advantages of two things at the same time
Bite off more than you can chew
To take on a task / work that is way too much
Call it a day
To say a task is finished
Couch potato
A lazy person
Have a blast
To have a good time
Hit the road
To start a journey
Miss the boat
Miss your chance
Off the hook
To escape a situation where you were responsible for something
Piece of cake
A job or task that is easy / simple
Once in a blue moon
Very rarely
He/she’s a big fish
The boss / leader
Spill the beans
To reveal a secret
Elbow grease
Hard work
Raining cats and dogs
Raining heavily
Sit on the fence
To not be sure which side to take
Turn over a new leaf
To start again / in a more responsible way
Pulling your leg
Joking with someone
Hard up
Not having much money
Get carried away
Losing control of a situation / being overexcited about something